Chapter 1- Happy Birthday....I guess

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     Penny felt like something was missing her whole life I mean...she couldn't complain. It's not every day your absolute best friend and her super cool mom take you in. After her dad died in the service with Clary's dad, and her mom died in a car crash when she was twelve Jocelyn took her in instead of being left to the black hole that was New York's foster system. She couldn't be more grateful.....but again, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

"How do you think it's going in there?" Simon asked, the two sat outside a college waiting anxiously for Clary. "She's fine, I have faith in our little shortcake." Penny smiled, Simon gave her a look and continued pacing "Come on Simon sh-" she was cut off by the doors opening and a sad-looking Clary walking out. "Give me the professors' names and I-I will end them." Simon said rushing to her "You know....with-with a scathing e-mail to the dean." Penny chuckled and rolled her eyes "Don't bother, Simon. She's playing you." 

 She pushed off of the car she was leaning against and Clary smiled wide holding up the acceptance letter "What? Sad face? Really?" Simon clapped slowly "Well played, well played." Clary bowed slightly "Thank you." they walked towards their favorite coffee shop to celebrate. "You know, it's weird. They kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel." Clary furrowed her brows, Simon smiled "Nerds." Penny scoffed, Simon sent a glare over the little redhead's head.

Clary turned with her arms raised as they entered the cafe "This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I ever had." Penny chuckled and wrapped her arm around her neck "Yeah, better than mine. All I got was poorly made fake ID's and a humiliating banishment from one of the coolest clubs in our city." Simon sighed "I will never live this down will I?" the girls laughed at his expense and chose a high top to sit at "Which is why we are celebrating tonight, in a much safer way." Penelope raised her brows at them both "Yes, with Maureen, after our show." Simon said, the waitress came over with their order, they came so often it was like routine.

     "So what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asked, Penny sipped her cappuccino and looked at him waiting to see what he would say "What deal? No deal. We sing together." Simon spoke a bit defensively. Pen raised an eyebrow "You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" she asked, he stammered a bit "What? N-No." Clary rolled her eyes "Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you, not realize that the person sitting right there is in love with you?" she put a hand on his arm. "I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake." he gave a tight smile. Penny shook her head and sipped her coffee, Simon has had the biggest crush on Clary ever since she could remember.

 "That's a latte." Penny said like she was talking to a child, Clary was staring down at the table with a look of utter confusion. She rolled her eyes "I could have sworn I had a biscotti." Simon shrugged "Maybe you ate it really fast and didn't even notice. Happens to me all the time. When I'm happy, when I'm sad...." Simon held up a finger "But I will replace your mythical biscotti..." he grabbed one off his plate and put it on hers "...with an actual one." Clary chuckled "Thank you." Penny smirked at her two friends and grabbed her cup "You know what? Here's to you." she held it up "L'chaim." Simon said, Clary smiled "L'chaim!"


      After saying bye to Simon the girls head home to change before heading back out that night "Hey, Dot." Penny greeted walking through the front door of the shop Jocelyn owned and they lived above. "Hey!" she greeted brightly, Dot was around Jocelyn's age, she's been working at the shop as long as Penny could remember. "How's your future looking?" Clary asked, Dot smirked down at the tarot cars on the counter "Not as good as yours. The tarot cards tell me you got into the advanced program." 

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