Chapter 1: Disturbed Mornings

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My alarm goes off and I ignore it on purpose. Dear Monday, do you know that you are the most hated day of the week? I put my pillow over my head to muffle the siren of my alarm. Just as I'm about to embrace the warmness of sleep, my sister,Delyla barges in.

"Mel! Is it really that hard for you to turn off your alarm!" She marches over to it and hits the snooze button viciously. If you think that's bad try playing her in a round of snap. I try to pretend I'm sleeping hoping that she will go away. Delyla rips the duvet off my body, leaving the cold to attack my warm body. If I was to accidentally throw my candle at her causing her to erupt into flames and burn alive right then and there would that be counted as murder? I shudder at my dark thoughts.

"Also, Mom says if you don't wake up she won't make you breakfast." She bends over and screeches in my ears. I grab my teddy and whack her with it.

"Get lost!" I shout. She jumps up and runs out my room. I groan and step out my bed and walk into my bathroom to start the water for my shower. I sigh remembering that I forgot my clothes as I remove my pyjamas and step in letting the warm water greet my skin. After doing what you usually do in the shower, I turn off the water and put my towel on tightly as I walk back into my room.

"MELANIE GET YOURSELF DOWN HERE NOW!" My mom screams from downstairs.

"Unless you want to see me naked, your going to have to wait a few minutes!" I scream back.

I rummage through my closet, trying to find something decent to wear. Finally I decide on black ripped jeans with a black tank top. I slip on my vans and grab my school bag. I leave my room and run downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom, dad and Delyla are eating.

"Good morning lovely people!" I greet them as I pour my coffee into a mug. "Good morning kiddo." My dad says, kissing my cheek. I thought I had grown past getting a sloppy kiss from daddy. Clearly I hadn't. I force a smile, slyly wiping my cheek as I sit down.

"I saw that." My mom chuckles. I pick up a golden brown piece of toast off the plate and cram it into my mouth. "Your disgusting." Delyla says in disgust.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically. Dad shakes his head as I jump up from my seat getting ready to leave for school. "Wait Mel I have to tell you guys something." My mom insisted. I sigh and slouch back into the chair.

"I'm going to be away for a few days on a job, I'll be leaving tomorrow." My mom explains. My dads tuts angrily.

"This job of yours is dangerous and it keeps you away from your family just because you have to sav-." He blurts. "John can I talk to you in the living room?" My mom retorted.

"You two go to school now." I stay glued to my seat confused as to how that escalated so quickly. I was used to my mom going on jobs like this and it never really bothered me until today; now that i think about it. What did she work as? My mom snaps me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not going to say it again." She orders sternly. Delyla and I slowly back out of the kitchen. Once we are out into the hallway. Delyla asks me, "Can you drop me off at school?"

I laugh and skip towards the garage door.

"I thought I was disgusting!" I shout back grinning. She grunts and walks out the front door slamming it. Feeling sorry for her I call her back and tell her to get in.


So that was the first chapter... What do you think of Mel? And her strange family?

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