Chapter 8: Bye

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    1 Year Later...

"Please, I can do it trust me!" I plead shaking Dave's muscular arm whilst he walked over to his desk.

"Nope! Your not ready yet it's only been a year since you joined the force." Dave replied pulling his hand away quickly. I wasn't expecting it so I dropped onto the floor. Let me just clarify something here Dave is not human he has the strength of a gorilla. So that would explain why I dropped.

"You just proved my point." He rolls his eyes and sits down to start doing some paperwork. "I barely even touched you and your on the floor!"

We were in the offices at base and this was where you had to go after a mission to write up a report on what happened. I had only been on four missions which were tiny things like catching drug dealers who worked alone.

"Come on, surely its not that hard to go undercover and work in a Chinese shop that is apparently secretly smuggling drugs into the country by a "dangerous" gang!" I say all in one breath.

Dave scoffs and carries on typing.

"What's going on I can hear your voice echoing from miles away?" My mother asks walking into the office looking for a file.

"Your daughter doesn't take no for an answer." Dave says not looking away from the screen.

I start to explain to my mom the whole situation, Dave butts in multiple times and we start arguing. As I am about to deliver a smart ass comeback. A loud explosion silences us and everyone in office screams and ducks under the tables for protection of falling debris.

We hear shouting, screaming and gunshots. My mother immediately brings out her gun from her holster and clocks it.

This is followed by everyone else in the room bringing out their guns and loading them up.

"Stay here and do not leave." My mom says sternly. Without giving me a chance to object, she gets up and runs towards the door followed by Dave and the other agents in the room. Dave turns back and mouths to me "It's going to be okay".

He shuts the door behind him and the noise of gunfire and screaming increases. I should be out there helping, is this not the type of thing I'm training for?

My mom's command replays again and again in my head. I get up and slowly walk towards the door. After two minutes, the gunfire and screaming had stopped and it was silent.

I cautiously raised my hand to open the door. I heard a familiar voice and footsteps walking towards the door. My stomach drops and I sprint to the back on the room to hide behind a desk.

As soon as I duck my head under the desk the door is booted down.

"We have to be quick before that bitch wakes up!"

"Shut up." The familiar voice scowls.

"She's not in here."

"Well I'm not leaving this dump without her."

"Dude don't tell me you have feelings for her because that would be very dumb, like she's not even pretty-"

A gun goes off and I hear a body drop to the floor. I wince and try to see what just happened.

"Let that be a lesson to all of you."

I peaked round the table to see Jason and his minions around the guy I assumed he just shot. The sight of his blood trickling down his face almost made me throw up.

Wait a minute what girl is he looking for and where the hell is my mom?!

"Let's check another room." Jason tells his minions and they walk out the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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