Chapter 4: Recruit

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My mom puts away her gun. And embraced me in another tight hug.

Why doesn't anyone remember that I don't like hugs? I see tears in her eyes as she softly strokes the purple bruise on my cheek left from Jason.

"Mom it's okay, it doesn't even hurt." I lie through my teeth pushing her hand away gently.

To tell the truth, yes my cheek was still throbbing and I wanted to cry into my Mom's arms whilst she rubbed my back and told me everything will be okay. But the big scary guys behind her made me think twice.

"This is all my fault. I should have told you all about this." She mutters to herself.

The men behind us stand awkwardly at the back not knowing what to do with themselves.

"Mom this wasn't your fault! This could have happened to anyone, besides if you think this is bad you should see Jason." I smirk.

"Ma'am..I..we." One of the men stutters behind us.

My mom immediately wiped her tears, took a deep breath and stood up.

"Dave ensure my daughter arrives at base safely, when you arrive have Scott take her to my office." She commands.

Dave nods and with that my mom walks out the room. Dave walks over to me.

"Come on kid, you heard the boss." Dave put his hand on my shoulder which I found very weird.

"Boss?" I question standing up brushing off all the dirt off my clothes.

"Yeah boss as in head agent." Dave saw that I was still confused. He kneeled down to my level making me feel stupid.

"Your mom is head of the secret service." He says slowly.

So this was the "jobs" she was going to. This was why Dad got angry this morning. Everything was slowly starting to add up.

But to add to my list of never ending questions, what the heck was base!?

I patted my pockets to text Monique about this but then I remembered the fight we had. And that my phone wasn't on me.

I look around the bare room looking to see where my phone could be hiding.

"Looking for this?" Dave says holding up my phone.

"Yeah thank God! Where did you find it!" I ask as he passes it to me.

"In a safe." He replies blankly.

I decide not to ask so I just smiled at him. I go onto iMessage to text her.

"We need to go so you can text your girlfriends on the way to the chopper." Dave mocks.

Dave was big and had soft brown skin. He had no hair on his head but had a small beard. He had strong brown eyes with a small nose and full lips. He looked like he was in his early 30's. I swear if he had a massive tattoo on his arm. He would look just like D'wayne Johnson.

My mouth drops for the 2nd time today. "Chopper?!" I exclaim.

"Yes the thing that flies in the air." Dave rolls his eyes at my excitement.


We arrive into the chopper and the man flying it tell us to buckle up.

Once we buckle up, the chopper ascends into the sky. As we go higher, I am able to see where Jason had taken me. It was a deserted area with tress everywhere.

The only thing there besides the army of trees was the building I was being held in.

How did these guys find me? I'm not complaining but is just so isolated.

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