Author's Note

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Rules for the story:

You all may make the character do as you please, but I have final say (after I chosen an idea) if that may be done. So if everyone says 'Hey why don't we sit around for a while?' and it seems progressive then sure, if not then I'll go with the next idea, and so on.

Please no fighting in the comments, everyone might have different ideas but no attacking one group, person, ideal for being different.

I will update as often as I can, if the story is slow I'll take the wheel to move things forward, but I will wait a week before doing that.

There is a lore to Pickwickian as such one will find almost no humans here, they are feared for being godly beings so what you'll most commonly find is carnivorous anthromorphic animals, usually canines. What is an anthromorphic animal? Well an anthromorphic animal is an animal with human qualities for example, they wear clothes, walk on two legs, or they have laws.

Going on with the Lore topic, you may not add lore to the story, with in reason you may add characters, NPCs, Situations, and Lore to the character.  (Also the character must be some sort of animal, if that was not clear before.)   For those that don't know what Lore is, it's backstory pretty much.

And lastly, the most important rule of all! HAVE FUN. I know even looking at that is making ol' Chernov shake in his boots, sounds like it'll be hell.

Since this is my first story I will add a rating thing, or at least a warning as to what will be in it. Cause I don't know if this website will do it for me.

Strong Language
Graphic Content
and whatever is added due to the Reader's and their collect evil and crazy nature.

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