4 | Wings

244 90 25

Word count: 5144
Picture: Miss Cancer

"Woah", Thane muttered as he scanned the room, "is this really our dorm?"

Kyle shrugged, "it's not much but yes it is."

Thane cocked his head at Kyle, "what are you talking about? This room is huge!"

They stood in the doorway of the room they would be sharing for the next few years of their life at Minerva. The room was perfectly symmetrical, not a single item that did not reflect the other. The walls were white but had designs of pure silver swirls and black diamonds that lined the edges of the wall. The ceiling was completely black but had a few cracks that looked like lightning bolts had engraved themselves in the stone. The floor was made of polished black stone that had countless amounts of trapped fossils and uncut precious and semi precious stones. The king sized beds were made of black satin with pillows to match, the bed post was made of silver and studded with black diamonds once more. Beside the beds was a bedside table carved out of marble that had a small platform under it filled with a single pen.

Thane walked towards the bedside table and looked at the pen. It was a plain and simple black fountain pen that could be found anywhere. He picked it up and once it touched his hand, the pen morphed into something more personalized for Thane.

The pen turned white with a ruby gem placed into the bottom and the cap of the pen. A word engraved itself into the pen and it filled with gold.

"T-A-H", Thane read out. He looked over to Kyle who had also picked up his pen.

"K-A-L", Kyle noticed, "it's my initials."

"What is your full name?", Thane asked.

"Kyle Avalon Lionel. You?"

"Thane Aidoneus Hunter."

Kyle nodded quickly before directing his attention somewhere else. His eyes landed on a door that had not been there at first. He reached over and pushed it open, "our own bathroom?", he exclaimed before running in.

There were two bathtubs on each side and two shelves stocked full of toiletries right above the tub. Shelves containing towels and bathrobes were in front of the tub. There were two of every other thing except a large mirror that stood where the door was directly facing.

"Well whatever, we will do more exploring tomorrow", Kyle yawned and Thane agreed.

Kyle jumped on the bed and fell asleep instantly, leaving Thane to think about how it all happened.


Kyle woke up to the familiar sound of buzzing in his ears. He let a smile spread across his face and his eyes opened. He reached up and removed the small device from his left ear, an ear cuff with a shrunken alarm given to him by Lily for his eighth birthday so that they could communicate. It buzzes when a specific timing has reached, sounds when the other is in danger and can be used to communicate telepathically with the holder of its twin.

'Lily you there?', Kyle asked telepathically.

He waited a few moments before a groggy voice replied, 'yep'.

Kyle sniggered, 'get ready for our first day. How is Scarlett?'

'She woke up before us and is in the shower.'

'I'm about to hop in the shower so I'll meet you and Scarlett here at let's say six thirty? It is five in the morning.'

'Sure thing! Bye!'

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