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Sai is pronounced like this: Sigh

Sai sighed and massaged her temple. She had a huge migraine that only worsened with each passing second due to the heat. 

"God this dreaded hit will be the death of me I tell you. I thought the electrician wasn't supposed to shut the power off until the 3rd, or did you stupidly give me wrong information again?" The woman hissed

Sai opened her mouth to reply but the overheated hag quickly interrupted her with more complaints and insults. As usual. This is what the days have been like ever since Aunt Lucille's husband left her for some sexy secretary. Fucking asshole. Just dump her on me and pray I don't kill myself.

"Are you listening to me you ignorant girl?"

Sai looked at her, her face blank and exhausted. "Lucille, I stopped listening long ago." 

Lucille gasped, the constant fanning of her face seizing. "How dare you speak to me in such a way you selfish little bitch?" She hissed, her cajun laden voice thick with anger.

Sai cocked a brow. "So now I'm the selfish one?" 

Lucille glared and attempted to slap Sai, but due to her exhaustion and the heat, Sai was able to slap her wrist away. 

"Come now Lucille, don't waste both of our energy with this pointless bickering." She said, her Cajun voice filled with her exhaustion and stress.

Lucille sighed and resumed her fanning. "You're right, it's too hot for such foolishness."

Sai cocked a brow. "Maybe if you exchanged the Gucci suit for a sports bra and shorts then maybe you wouldn't be so hot."

Lucille studied Sai's sweaty, sports bra and short-shorts clad body, her hazelnut hair pulled into a high ponytail and a few strands sticking to her slightly tan slightly pale skin. Her red, transparent butterfly wings were out and twitching a little behind her. Lucille cocked a brow. "You don't look any better than moi."

Sai sighed. "Unfortunately due to my fairy genes, I am more prone to suffer more harshly from the heat unlike you, an elf."

"Elf or not I'm fucking burning. How do humans live through this?"

"They actually get jobs and pay their bills so that they having a working A/C."

Lucille looked at Sai, appalled as if she'd suggested Lucille go kill herself. "I am the daughter of a great monarch-"

"The disowned daughter of a great monarch or have you forgotten you got us both banned from the fae world."

Lucille looked away, her head held high. "I will bounce back from this, if it's the last thing I do, I will be royalty once again and I won't have you there to patronize me." 

Sai scoffed and stood. "Keep telling yourself that." She pouted and in a baby voice said. "It may even come true one day auntie."

Lucille glared. "You'll see. One day I will be the queen."

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