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  • Dedicated to My lovely brother.

150 people on a never before inhabited island, what could go wrong? The island wasn’t even attached to the rest of the earth in any way. It was floating maybe 2000 miles off the east coast of the USA.

We had managed to stay there a week. Then, just when we thought that we had found paradise, a rumbling began. Earthquake? Were the tectonic plates moving? No. The island cracked down the middle and broke into two smaller islands. The weight was now unbalanced, and we knew that sooner or later it would sink.

Putting on my handy dandy manufactured wings, I flew to the mainland in Virginia where my house was. I found my grandma who was for some reason making a casserole in our oven. I told her about the dilemma we were in, and she informed me of what I needed to do.

I had to use my wings to fly way up high in the air and use a flashlight type thing to transfer the particles to another place.  I decided to save the populated half of the island; it was probably suffering more from the amount of people. After five minutes of wondering whether my sputtering wings’ engine would hold out until the relocation was finished, the whole island turned a shining white as it dissolved and went elsewhere.

My wings gave up on holding me. The flashlight object, a square, metal box about an inch thick was at least 35 pounds. My wings were only supposed to hold 100 pounds, my weight plus a little. Falling down to the dark blue of the ocean, my mind faded to black…at least when I die…it won’t be painful…

I woke up later, staring through blurred eyes at a warm caramel colored ceiling. I heard a boy’s voice whisper, “You’re alive.” I don’t think I ever saw his face, only his voice. Reassuring me that my life was still going strong. I stayed this way, almost paralyzed, waiting for my eyes to adjust, but they never did.

I had managed to glance over at the boy who was kneeling at my side motionless, but my vision had made it impossible to make out who it was.

It felt like an hour before anything else happened. He picked me up and carried me out to some kind of vehicle. Judging by the fact that as it bounced on the road I could still see the sun, the sky, the clouds, I assumed it was a jeep of some sort.

Throughout the ride I regained my ability to move. I brought my hand up to my face, rubbing my eyes, hoping it would rid me of the blurriness. It was to no avail.

Pretty soon, the car stopped and the engine was turned off. The twists and turns we had gone through were too familiar for comfort. I used the energy I had saved up through my 5 minute naps between confused gazes at the now pink and purple sky to lift myself up and look around at where we were. I couldn’t not recognize this place, even with my eyesight. It was the place I had seen nearly every day of my life. My own home.

Then I noticed something – how did this person know where I lived? It was clear. He had saved me when I was falling, he had been watching me the entire time. He probably knows exactly where I live, what school I go to, and with that he can probably find everything else about me. I didn’t care. If I had a stalker, thank god it was a good one.  Thank god he cared about my life. He cared enough to take me back to the place I had wanted to be most. I tried to stand up and maneuver out from the bench in the back of the jeep, but couldn’t because my legs weren’t in the mood. I fell back and hit my head on the side of the car. I wrapped my arms around my skull in pain, holding in a shriek. While I felt my head pounding with every second that went by, I found out that there were two guys in the car – My stalker and someone else who drove. Then the sounds of car doors opening and closing. Then complete silence. I felt drunk, with the throbbing head and blurred vision and everything. Even so, I crawled into the front passenger seat and sat down to catch my breath.

I wanted to get inside so badly. I would pull myself to the door using only my arms, which is exactly what I would have to do. I think my legs were dead. Completely and totally dead. I found that the most I can manage to do with them is spin my ankle in circles, but the rest was unable to do anything. I sat the in the front seat and reached over to honk the horn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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