6- Hanging Out Tomorrow?

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***Axel's POV***

Once we went look a the penguins I couldn't stop to glance at smiling Ashly besides me.

I know I know her only for a month now, but it feels much longer, and I love it. When we hang out at the Cafe I always cherished those moments when she smiled real brightly or laughed till tears.

I feel like I know her my whole life.

Ashly is just so beautiful and her lovely personality, and always happy, but I know she has her own bad days, but that's typical, because nobody's perfect.

I just wanted to hang out with her and get to know her much better and just kiss those beautiful lips.

WAIT A MINUTE THERE MAN! What is that? Don't do something stupid. Take thing slow!

"So Ashly I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Friday and I have free from work. What do you say?" I asked her.

"I would love to. I'm ending work at 5pm and after that I'm free." Ashly answered whit a smile.

"Okay. Then I could pick you up at 6pm? And we could go eat just some lovely dinner at the pancake place. What do you think?" I asked her with hope in my eyes.

"Or maybe you'd like to come by my apartment and I could cook us some gluten free pancake?" She asked.

And I loved that idea. That means we are going to be alone and nobody will disturbed us.

I don't want to be only her friend. I want to be her best friend, her husband and our children dad.

Wait! Wait! What is this going on in my mind?

"Axel? Is that a yes? Are you coming by?" Ashly asked me with a smile on her face.

Oosshh I love her smile!

"Yeah. It would be awesome. And we could also watch maybe movies? If were at your place and stuff?" I asked

"Okay. But you have to bring the popcorn with you. Okay?" She said.

"Of course I will." I said.

She sneezed and started to cough really hard.

"Wait. Here. Take the water and drink it" I said while taking my water bottle out my backpack and opening it.

"Here" I said and gave her the bottle and she took it quickly and drank the water.

After she was done drinking it, she gave me back the bottle.

"Thanks. I really needed it." Ashly said.

"But are you alright? You've been coughing and sneezing a lot today." I asked with worried voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. Ohh look at the time. I think we should get back to the bus. Because we need to be home by 7pm. And now it is 5pm and it is a half an hour drive back." Ashly said and started to sneez again.

I did the unexpected, I pulled her closer to my left side and took her underneath my coat to make her warm. And I didn't miss the blush on Ashlys cheeks.

"Shall we get going? Mia come here. Were getting back to bus." Mia came and gave me her small hand and we started to walk back to the bus.

"So did you enjoy your 'first time in a long time' at the Zoo?" Ashly asked.

"Yeah. It was amazing. I would actually love to come back here in the future." I said and smiled down at her.


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