OMG!! I can't anymore...

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Why hello there, Derplings!!

Soooo, remember when I said that I moved and my bus driver looks like the train conductor from Polar Express?

And also, if you've been in a bus, you know how some buses have bus driver helpers?

Well, we have one in my bus.

I usually sit in the back of the bus and today after school, the helper dude person stopped me and said, "Stacy wait. You have a new seat and its in seat 10."

I'm like, "Ok whatevs, dude breh." I didn't say that. I just said ok. Lol.

Then I had a moment of realization.

This is what was going on in my head, "OMG!! He knows my name. My old bus driver only knew me as the girl that gets dropped off somewhere.

Then, I looked at him, and I had ANOTHER moment of realization.

He kinda looks like Josh Dun with red hair.

I said "had" bcuz I don't know if he still has the red hair.

So much for being a TØP fangirl...

Well, ima save you the time of searching who I'm talking about.

Well, ima save you the time of searching who I'm talking about

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That's him.

But the helper dude is wearing glasses, has a baseball cap, and has more facial hair.

But I seriously had a temporary mental freak out.

It's normal. Trust me.

Now it's train conductor from Polar Express and Josh Dun twin. Nice.

I'm trying hard not to laugh out loud.

Oh great, now I have nothing to write about.




Ima go... Lol...

But for now... GOODBYE DERPLINGS!!!

~From your host, Stacy

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