Thank God for wifi...

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Why hello there, Derplings!!

You may be asking, "Ummm... Stacy? If you're in Dominican Republic, how in the actual balls are even uploading?"

Well, my friend, I have my mum's phone since I was not allowed to bring mine, and the house the I'm currently staying in (until Saturday) has wifi, so yeah.


My trip has currently been good but in a boring way, if that makes sense.

Let me explain.

I went to this place called Paradise for a week.

First of all, let me just tell you that it didn't feel like Paradise AT ALL.

Everyone there was either on their phone, or minding their own business.

I only talked to my cousins when they were free.

The only thing I liked about being in "Paradise" was what we did there and that was it.

My mum was DESPERATE to leave bcuz we were staying in the house that used to be my grandparents before they passed.

Everyone in the house was packed like sardines in a can.

My cousin, who's in her twenty's, brought her air mattress.

And everyone else slept on the beds tightly packed.

But let me just tell you that it was sooooo fucking hot.

Like as soon as you got out of the shower, your skin felt sticky again.

The heat here is WAAAY different than the heat over in the states.

It's like a humid kind of heat.

But the heat over there is like heat that makes you sweaty and that's it.

I can go on about the heat, but the list is too long.

Anyway, over at that "Paradise" place, the power my kept going out and the streets were ALWAYS dark, so that was fun...

Those are all the bad things about Paradise.

Like I said, the only good thing there was what we did there.

Like we seriously went to beaches and rivers every single day (except on the days where we were supposed to do other things as a family).

Now that I'm out of "Paradise", I feel more... Uhhh... Happy, I guess you can say...

"Why?" You may ask.

Well, dude person, there is wifi in the house I'm currently staying (which was actually my childhood home. It is still my house tho).

But the wifi part isn't the only good thing.

The next good thing is that the power stays for most of the time.

Like it only went out once yesterday and that was it.

But in "Paradise", on the other hand, the power kept going out DAILY.

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