What Rank Would You Have?

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I F   Y O U   W E R E   A  
W A R R I O R   C A T . . .

what rank would you have?

[ kit, apprentice, medicine cat apprentice, warrior, medicine cat, deputy, leader, elder, queen ]

If I had a rank, it would probably be a warrior or medicine cat. Although, being a medicine cat means I could not have a mate or kits, which is something I wouldn't be too fond of. I'm not a good leader, as I'm way too controlling. I couldn't be a deputy, since I have way too much anxiety and would feel like I had to make everyone happy and be perfect all the time. I wouldn't really want to be a medicine cat because I'm not good at looking at open wounds/tons of blood, and I wouldn't get to have a mate or kits. I couldn't be a queen because I'd be a tom. I wouldn't be a kit because I couldn't have any freedom, same with an apprentice. So a warrior suits me.

What would rank would
Y O U  have?

If You Were A Warrior CatWhere stories live. Discover now