First Golden Dream

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Everything was Golden. The clouds was forming a golden floor, the skyes were in a gold ton and i could see the sun in the horizon, like half a large and beautiful sphere.

Tons of ideas was comming im my ind, information. Not words, just information... And i was not trying to speak, just thinking. I Knew that he would understand.

"You vibrate". He told me without any sound.

"What do you mean?" I responde, thinking.

"Everything vibrates... you are vibrating in each minimum part of your being. The metter part and the other parts too."

I kepp quiet. Just trying to follow. He noticed that i was confuse. Everything that cross in my mind, was comunication here.

"Every part of your world, of universe, of the universe that you can undertand, vibrates. You and everything you see, other people, other beings, plants, rocks... Everything vibrates. And every single one, from the smaller to the largest and violent vibration, cause effects in the universe, resounds, it spreads throughout the universe.

In that way... you are responsable for yours vibrations. It affect other people, other beings."

I was 'listening'... but the way that he comunicate was so diferente, that is difficult for me to put it in words. He was so much more evolved than me... i realise that he was hardly trying to explaing the universe, trying to find a way that i could understand. He was jus light, and was assuming a human form, maybe to make it easier to me to assimilate.

"Can i control my vibrations?" I ask in my mind. He seems to smile. Instantly a realise that he noticed my ambitions about controlling something. But, he did not repreended me, just waited until i could see the answer myself. "What is your name? Or how should i call you?"

He stayed quiet. "I am not familiar with that kind of thoughts.. names, concepts... But if you find a name that make it easier to you to call me, i will use it with you."

"HUM... I made a profound sound that came from my deepest intimate."

"So you call me HUM in your meditations, and i"ll come. And yes, you can control your vibrations..."

Hum seems to be always smiling and peacefull.  

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