Deep Perspective

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I was in a invisible plane place. High enough to see the whole planet. I didn't really know if i was sitting or lying down, i just knew i was there. We stand in silence, contemplating the horizon, the golden half sun that i could see. The formation of the clouds down there, the oceans and the land parts. It was so quiet and so peacefull that nothing seems to metter.

"All the problems look like so small from here... like if they don't really exist." I said.

"Probably, because they are not real problems... only disorders." Hum said. He was therer in a profound dedication to explain me things, with his half smile feature. "Up here, you can see thing from a higher perspective. You can analyze the real size and shape of your problems, the biginning and if it is possible to finish them."

"As in the battlefield, where commanders were in the highest places, to look better for the formation of the enemy, and as the battle would be?" I was assimilating. "It is a way of thinking. The biggest difficulty with problems is to understand the size of them. If they are really problems, if they are simple... indiferente, or if they are really urgent. Usually we made both mistakes. We don't give enough value to the root of problems, and we get crazy with the effects." "Thats why we sometimes need to step away to think about, or try to cool our heads?" "Yes, you need perspective. Not to think with a noisy mind, to see things clearly." "And the vibrations? Are the cause or the effect?" I was curious about vibrations. "The vibrations are both. Whe you move your arm in the water, it makes a wave, a vibration, in this case, the cause. Or your arms were moved by something else, a wave in you are in the see, or any other physical ignition. The same thing applies to your thoughts. You dons really undestand it yet, but your thoughts can be the cause of vibrations that affect physical thing, affects other peoples thoughts, affects everything. We live in a tangle flow of vibrations, from everyone, and everything. These flows can be conscious or unconscious from everything and everybody else." "So... Someone can be flowing bad vibrations, destructive vibrations, hurting others, but thinking that does not hurt anyone?" "Yes. Thats why you need clarity, to be aware of what you emanate, and how you absorb and accept the vibrations that come up to you." "All of these sound like a fantastic magic...". I was sincere and perhaps challenging. Hum give me a big smile: "I am showing you the truth. Without myths of fantasies. You are just in the biggining of these understanding. Some who learn a little about the vibrations, use it as a advantage power, use it like a child playing with a gun, or feel so powerfull that think it is a máster of other people. Controlling vibrations is just something natural, that you should be responsable for. Use it like you do with your hands, and you legs, use it with same responsability that you should with your words."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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