Chapter Five

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The weekend passes too quickly and it is Monday again. Gordon finds me as soon as I get to school on Monday morning like he usually does, wearing his usual smug smirk. "Good morning, Mitchie!" he sings, pushing me into a wall. I wince when my head snaps back, hitting the wall. Black dots dance in my vision, but I blink to get them away. It's now I notice Scott. He's standing on the sidelines, gritting his teeth and looking like he wants to say something but doesn't dare.

"Hey Mitch. You're looking extra fat today. Did you have a feast over the weekend or something?" Gordon taunts, and I feel tears threatening to fall. I blink them back, refusing to let him have the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Scott sucks in a breath when he sees me close my eyes, but I ignore him. "Hey Mitch. That shirt makes you look ugly. Oh wait, you always look ugly." I'm on my knees now, resisting the urge to curl into a ball and cry. "Hey Mitch. Are you a penny? 'Cause you're worthless." I feel a tear slip out. No, no, no, no! You're supposed to be strong, Mitch!

"Aw, is Mitchie crying? How sad," Gordon mocks me, staring down at my pathetic figure. I let out a sob, and his gaze hardens. He kicks me in the stomach, and I breathe in sharply from the pain. "Stop!" a voice cries out, and Gordon's foot freezes in midair from when he was going to kick me again. "What did you just say?" Gordon says softly, his voice cold and deadly. "I said stop," Scott replies just as coldly. I curl into a ball, struggling to stop the sobs that rip through my body.

"I thought you hated little gay boy."

"Just stop. Haven't you hurt him enough?"

"No. I will never hurt him enough. Trust me, he deserves all of this. Every. Single. Blow."

I hear a sickening crack. "And you deserved that." It's Scott's voice. A collective gasp goes through the hallway, and I vaguely wonder what's happening. "You little-"

"What's all the commotion?" Of course, the principal intervenes at the worst time possible. "He punched me," Gordon immediately whines. What? "I'm sorry, ma'am, but he hit me first. It was self-defense." There's silence for a moment. "Alright. Runaler, come with me. The rest of you, get to class." The principal ignores Gordon's protests and practically drags him away. The students continue on their way, and I sigh with relief.

Wait, no, I'm not alone yet.

"You alright?" Scott asks softly, and he kneels beside me. I glare at him. "Does it look like I'm alright?" I snarl. He smiles sadly before offering me his hand. I take it, ignoring the tingles that stereotypically shoot up my arm, and he helps me up. "He was lying, you know," Scott says, gently wiping away a stray tear, "you aren't fat, or ugly, for that matter." I sigh and collect my books. "Thanks, Scott," I murmur to him quietly before turning and heading to class. I can feel his blue eyes bore into my back as I walk, but I don't look back, because I know that I'll just break down all over again.

People part for me like the Red Sea, murmuring to each other. I hear snatches of their conversations. "Why did Hoying help him?" "Yeah, what could he possibly see in gay boy?" "Gordon was right, he does look fat today. Well, fatter than normal." "In a way I feel bad for him. He has no friends." "He doesn't deserve friends." I shutter and hug my books tighter to my chest, almost as though they're my shield. I wish more than anything to be safe in choir class, where no one can hurt me. But then, I remember. Scott is in choir class.

Does he really care? He helped me, told them to stop. Why does he want to be friends with me so badly he'll risk his popularity for me? Even I wouldn't risk my popularity for me, if that makes sense. I sigh, pushing these questions to the back of my mind. I'll think about them later. Now, I just have to get through the day.

"Mitch, wait!" a voice calls through the halls. It's dismissal, and I'm trying to get out as fast as possible. Sighing internally, I turn around. It's probably Gordon wanting me to do his homework or something.

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