Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My gown billows around me as the wind rips through our hair. My fellow classmates surround me, all dressed similarly. Everyone is talking excitedly about how we survived four years of h*ll.

That's right, you guessed it. It's high school graduation.

The teachers are struggling to calm us down and sort us into our seats. One is shouting over everyone's mingled voices, just adding to the mix.

Eventually, we all listen, and file into our seats. We're seated in alphabetical order, so I'm a few seats down from Scott.

The person next to me gets called, and I feel my hands start to shake even more. Scott senses my nerves, shooting me a reassuring smile. I smile weakly back just as my name is called.

I shakily get up and grip my gown in an effort to hide my shaking hands. Slowly, I edge towards the stage, trying my best not to trip on anything.

As I near the stage, someone sticks their foot out. I don't see it until it's too late. My foot catches, and I fall forward, landing on the grass. Laughter echoes through the crowd, and I swallow the lump in my throat. Head held high, I get right back up and hurry the rest of the way to the stage.


last awkwardly short chapter I promise

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