Chapter 3

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Zach:"okay, how do u wanna do this? Do u wanna split up?"I ask Jason.

Jason:"go as pairs"I say and he nods and we pair up together then start searching.

Zach:we come across this house where only one room is on fire and then I see a little girl in the window and she goes down cuz she can't breathe"JASON!"I yell he runs in and grabs the girl then runs back out we hand the girl to her mother and keep searching and Jason searched frantically "bro can down we'll find her"I say

Jason:"DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN MY DAUGHTER IS MISSING!"I yell and he searches a different way.

~3 hours later~

Zach:"bro she's not here we see searched everywhere"I say as the guys run up

Jason:I shake my head"we have to find her"I say and they nod then my phone rings.

(Phone convo)
Jason:"hello?"I answer
Unknown:"McCann someone wants to say hello"I laugh eviley.
Olivia:"DADDY HELP!"I scream and cry
Jason:"baby calm down I'm coming"I say
Unknown:"oh u only have a few minutes McCann"I laugh
Jason:"I will fucking kill u"I growl and Zach gets a ping on the cellphone.
Unknown:"we'll see about that"I say"Take The Girl!"I shout before hanging up.
(End of convo)

Jason:we get in the car and speed off to where ever they are once we get their I see them putting Olivia in the car I get out with my gun"LET HER GO!"I scream

Jordan:"come to join the party I see?"I smile

Jason:"fuck u"I growl and shoot him in the head and the guy that's holding her I run over to her and pick her up and go to the car and the guys kill the rest of them and she screams and cries in my chest."shhh baby I've got u"I say rubbing her back.

Zach:"bro we have to go two guys and the girl got away"I say as Olivia starts crying harder he nods and we go to the car and speed off.

Olivia:"DADDY!"I scream and cry reaching for him wanting to be held.

Jason:"baby I'm right here"I say putting my hand back to her and she cries harder we get home and I have the guys search the house then I hold Olivia as she keeps on crying."I've got u baby"I say holding her to me.

Olivia:"I'm sorry"I cry

Jason:"for what?"I ask rubbing her back.

Olivia:"for running away"I cry

Jason:"shh baby as long as ur okay now"I say"why'd u run away? u know better"I add and she cries harder"liv calm down and talk to me"I say and she shrugs "u calmed now?"I ask wiping her face and she nods.

Olivia:"can I play outside p-plz"I beg

Jason:"no baby"I say

Olivia:"why?"I ask starting to cry again.

Jason:"Olivia ur not going outside right now"I say

Olivia:"but I want to"I cry

Jason:"Olivia no baby"I say and she calms down and lays her head on my chest I hold her rubbing her back.

Olivia:"are the bad guys gone?"I ask

Jason:"yes baby"I say

Olivia:"ur sure?"I ask

Jason:"yes baby ur safe"I say

Olivia:"okay"I say

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