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I feel the warm sunlight glistening into the room and on to me. It's very warm actually. My eyes flutter open and I feel arms around my waist and my legs intertwined with someone else's. I look up to Harry, sleeping with such a peaceful look on his face. He looks adorable. I grab my phone and check the time. It's 10:27. I poke Harry on the nose, trying to get him to wake up. I'm really hungry and I'm not going to just walk around his home trying to find food. He groans slightly and opens his eyes. He then stretches out and smile at me. "hey." he says. My hearts melts. His voice is so raspy. "Hi." I giggle. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you wake me up?" he asks. "Well, I'm very hungry and I need some food." I say. He laughs. "Okay let's go." he says and rolls out of bed. He starts to get dressed. "Why are you getting dressed? Aren't we just going downstairs to get some food?" I ask. He shakes his head, "No, we're going out to eat." he says. "Okay , well I'm going to go home real quick and get dressed." I say. He nods. I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I hear a woman yell "Harry!" I hear footsteps walking towards the front door and soon I'm met with whom I'm thinking is Harrys mom. "Oh hello." she says with a confused look on her face. "Uh hi. I'm Stevie, Harrys friend." I say smiling. She doesn't really say anything. "Well , it was nice meeting you!" I say before running out the door. Literally running. Oh my god. What an awkward experience.

I put on a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a crop top. My hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. I see Harry pull in my driveway. I then walk out of my house and to his car. I get in a smile. He thens pulls out of the driveway and turns the radio on. It's silent in the car. Not an awkward silence, a nice comfortable silence.

"So, you met my mom." Harry states. "Yeah I did." I say while laughing. "I'm pretty positive she thinks that were just hooking up." he says. "What?" I exclaim. He laughs loudly, "yeah. When I walked downstairs this morning she said "Harry! I didn't know you had it in you!" It was possibly the most awkward experience I've ever had with my mom." he says. "Oh my god! That's terrible." I say while laughing. Harry opens his mouth to say something else, but the waitress brings our food to our table. I wait for him to say what he was going to say, but he never does. We then just sit there and have small talk.

As we pull up to my house I say "Thank you for taking me out. I had fun." He smiles and says "Me too. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I nod and get out of the car. When I walk into my house, I immediatly run upstairs. I've had this journal with blank pages for I don't know how long. I've always wanted to do something with it and now I finally know what to do. I grab a few pictures and open up my journal to the first page. I then grab some glue and put glue on the back of one of the pictures. I put the picture in my journal. I write "so there's this boy, and the way he laughs makes me smile, and the way he talks gives me butterflies, and everything about him, makes me happy." I look at the picture I put in my journal. It's the picture I took of Harry the first night we met. I've found my muse for this journal, Harry Styles.

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