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Before any of you kill me I have a good explanation... well sort of.

I have been busy with school and also I've had terrible writer's block. My brain just hasn't been feeling up to it and I don't blame you if you want to form a mob of Wattpardians and come knocking on my door at 2 am... anyway, let's just get on with the chapter.


Jessica's POV

Wake up! You need to make money. 

The sound of my alarm blared out of my phone. 


Unwillingly, I got out of bed and walked to my closet. I grabbed a pair of tights and a sports bra. I threw them on after kicking off my pajamas. On my way to the kitchen I grabbed my black Nikes out of the hallway closet.

I grabbed a my water bottle and made my regular water mix with kiwi and strawberries. 


I put on my windbreaker and headed out the door. 

Time for my weekend run.

Unknown POV


Target acquired. 

Plan in action.


Blake's POV

I've got to think of a prank to play on Jessica to get her back for the chili-underwear drawer-incident.

She went out for her weekend jog this morning which gives me quite enough to time to get the plan in action.

Jessica's POV

I don't know why but I feel like someone's following me. 

You know when you hear footsteps but you turn around to find no-one following you. 

I stopped abruptly to drink some water just to be pulled into an alley.

"Hello there, sweetie."

A deep voice called out. Because of the darkness in the alley I couldn't make out who it was but the voice sounded strangely familiar...

"BLAKE!" I shouted while ripping the ski mask off him.

"What the hell are you doing? Why were you following me and why did you pull me here?"

After recovering from his fits of laughter Blake finally faced me.

"Because you sprinkled chili powder in my boxers and no-one, I mean no-one, messes with Blake Thompson and gets away with it."

"Ugh. Whatever, Fire. Please move out of my way. Now that my morning jog had been messed up due to a big, egoistic guy, I better get back to my dorm for the day."

"See you later, Jess. I have thing to do and places to be."

We head off in our separate directions, me to my dorm while Blake to wherever 'wanna be bad*ss bad boys' go.

I still felt as if someone was following me. I turned around to be met with a flash going off and a guy running away.

In no position to go after him, I sighed heavily and headed back to campus.


Sorry for the terrible chapter but it's not over and it keeps getting better... I hope.

Anyway, Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote.

Just to clarify things, they can leave campus on weekends or holidays or whenever they don't have classes so basically out-of-school hours.

~XoXo Savvy~

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