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The great Pharaoh of Egypt, Antef, is a fair and noble leader. We sing to his name and celebrate every victory.

The scribes and writers tell of his fame. His life, his wife, his flame. We dance and all, but there are more then meets the eyes.

Thoth, Anubis, Hapi, Ra, Ptah, Isis. All help Horus aid our Pharaoh.

The House of Life had tried to destroy a pesky magician named Seth. We became friends. I am an outlaw in the House of Life. So is he. It works out.
And yet, I discovered things that should have stayed secret.

The House of Life wants me.

I have to get the story out.

I have to tell the truth.

I have to become Pharaoh. I have to tell the secrets of old.

It's my responsibility as a Eye.

I am the Eye of Anubis. Seth is the Eye of Set. It works out. Kinda.

Here's our story, all of ours.

Starting with a year ago.

I am the Eye of Anubis. And here's my story.

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