Poem 33- My vow

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Are you really okay
Because you don't seem it
'I'm fine', is what you say
But you don't really mean it

I begged you to tell me
I constantly nudged
You probably despise me
But I'm here for the long run

I won't leave your side
I'll never turn my back
My arms are open wide
For when times are black

If you ever need me
I will always be here
Please will you believe me
There's nothing to fear

When you are weak
I vow to be strong
I'm with you when you speak
Even if you're wrong

I vow to try my best
To lend you a hand
When life is a mess
I'll help you to stand

So please hear my pledge
All I've said now
When you're on the edge
Remember my vow


A/N: Hey kiddies! This ones for my really close friend kiaramay_ She's an amazing friend, peer, support- and just a great person in general. Love you so much xx Hope you like this :)

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