Chapter 3

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Arthur's POV

I walked into the principals office, and Alfred waited outside. The principal's name was Mr. Kirkland and he had pink hair and freckles all over his face. I thought that it was very odd that he had my same last name and he looked very similar to me but I didn't really think much into it. "Hello there! You must be Arthur Kirkland. Very nice to met you." He held out his hand for me to shake, and I did and sat down in a chair across from him. He turned to a computer on his right and moved it so that I could see what was I the screen. It was my schedule for this year:

Home room
Language Arts
Social Studies
Media technology

"This is going to be your schedule for today. Keep in mind that you have lunch in between your wellness class and science class. I could add that in if you want so that there won't be any confusion." He said to me with a smile on his face that I found a little unsettling. "U-Um......... Sure. Thank you." I said. He typed it in and pressed a button. A few feet away it printed out and Mr. Kirkland walked over and pulled it out. He came over to me just ask was standing up and handed it to me. I said "Thank you." and headed out the door to find Alfred leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

My heart fluttered a bit and I blushed when he saw me and smiled. Alfred walked over to me. "What schedule did you get? I hope we got a lot of classes together!" He said with excitement in his eyes. He grabbed the piece of paper out of my hand and looked it over. His adorable smile grew wider as he saw what classes I would be in. "Dude. I don't even know how this is possible...." He whispered. "W-What's wrong, Alfred?" I asked, a little worried for a moment. "We have the exact same classes all through the entire day!!!!" He practically shouted while looking at me with those adorable blue orbs. 'His smile is never going to go away, is it.' "What locker number did you get?" He asked me. I was confused and it probably showed because Alfred went right back to looking at my paper. "Ah! Here it is. It says that you have locker J-14 and you are sharing it with DA HERO!" He shouted again.

"Alfred! Keep your bloody voice down, you git. But that's cool that we are sharing a locker. How come we don't have our own?" I asked him. "Principle K. normally has people share lockers in order for more people to be friends around here. Sometimes it doesn't work and it starts gossip but I know that that won't happen with us." He said while walking off. "H-Hey! Where are you going?" I asked, running after him. "Headin' to our locker!" He yelled back to me.

I followed him to our locker until we stopped in front of a metal door that was big enough for each of us to fit in. "Here it is. Do you want to be top or bottom?" He asked turning to me. My face heated up again. "W-What?" "Do you want to have the bottom part of the locker or the top part?" He asked me again, saying each word slowly so I understood what he meant. "O-Oh...... I-I'll have the bottom part. You're taller so you n-need the top." I said, still blushing. "Ok dude!"

***Magical Time Skip***

Alfred and I have had Home room, Math, L.A., then wellness so far today. I really enjoyed all of the classes and the teachers were really fun. I found out that our math teacher, Mr. Jones, is Alfred's father. Our other teachers are Mr. Vargas, Mr. Carriedo, and Mr. Beilschmidt (don't kno if I spelled dat right).

Alfred led me into the huge cafeteria. Some people at a table in the middle of the room waved him down and we both walked over there. "Hey dudes! This is my new friend Arthur!" He introduced me. I blushed when he said the word 'friend' but I didn't quite understand why. "H-Hello. I'm Arthur. N-Nice to meet you all." I quietly said. "Onhonhonhon~ So this is the boy you told us about." Someone said. I looked over to where the sound came from and I almost jumped.

"Oh. Hello, bloody Frog...." I said with an obvious glare on my face. "Bonjour, mon ami." He said with a flirtatious smirk. I just ignored him and sat down next to where Alfred was. "Artie, these are my friends Antonio from the coffee shop this morning, Feliciano and Lovino, the awesome Gilbert and Ludwig, and apparently you've already met Francis." He said. I nodded and smiled at all of them and glared at Francis, and they each went back to their conversations. I just sat there and 'listened' to what they were saying.

A few minutes later, Alfred turned to me. "Yo, Artie. Do you want to go ice skating with us after school? It's gonna be loads of fun, so you should come!" He said. I saw hope in his eyes and I didn't want to disappoint him. "First of all, it's Arthur. Not 'Artie'. And yes, I'd love to go." He smiled and engulfed me in a big hug. "B-Bloody git! Get off of me! I....can't.....breath!" I strained to say. "Hehe. Sorry dude. Sometimes I don't know my own strength." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. I just rolled my eyes and smiled and he went back to his conversation, while I listened to nothing in particular.

***Another Magical Time Skip***

School finally ended at 3:00. Me and Alfred had every single class together and it was a lot of fun. We both headed to our shared locker together. We got our stuff out and put it in our backpacks, then we headed back to our apartments. After a few minutes of walking, I got uncomfortable with the silence. "So, Alfred. What time are we going ice skating later?" I asked him. "We were thinking maybe around 6:25." He said back to me. I nodded and continued to head home. We arrived to his apartment and I said 'goodbye' and started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to face him before I could get far, though.

"How come you kept giving Francis the death glare at lunch?" He asked, letting go of my wrist. "W-Well, we've just h-had some bad history with each other." I said, remembering when I still lived in London and Francis did too. "What happened? That is, if you don't mind me asking." I looked up at him and explained what happened. "You see, he and I both lived in London. We went to the same school and lived on the same street and we were best friends for five years. Four years ago.......he asked me out on a date and I said yes. W-We dated f-for two years until he broke up with me over text. I-I know its s-stupid for me to be mad at that frog face......but it still bloody hurts...." I said, a few tears rolling down my cheek. I hid my face in my hands and cried.

He stared at me in shock. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug and I hugged back, burying my face in his chest. "I didn't know that he did that. Sorry bro, but you shouldn't cry over him. He's a player and he doesn't deserve to be cried over." He said to me, and pulled my chin up so that I could see his eyes. "O-Ok. I'll be going now. See you at 6:25." I walked away and waved to him. We then walked back into our apartments and I slowly closed the door behind me.

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