Chapter 4

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Hehe. Here's another chapter my hamburgers! You may or may not have noticed but I changed the title of the story. I decided that it didn't really fit with what was going on so I just created something random for the time being.

Alfred's POV

I looked at the clock. '4:25' "Good. I still have two hours." I mumbled under my breath. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

***Time skip to after getting ready***

I went back into the living room and checked the clock again. '5:30' I felt my stomach rumbling and decided to eat some burgers. I grabbed five from the fridge and went back into the living room to watch some Tv. I turned the channels until I found something interesting. It was four people who cook food with sabotages that they bid on. It was all about food and the host was hilarious!

Fifteen burgers and two episodes later, it was finally time to go. I grabbed my bomber jacket, keys, and phone and headed out the door. I walked over to Artie's apartment and knocked on the door. I stood there for a few moments before the door open, and I saw a teary-eyed Artie standing with his head down. "H-Hey, Alfred." He mumbled. "Woah! Dude, are you okay? Were you still crying?" I asked him with a worried tone. He only nodded his head as a response. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, dude. It's really no big deal if you don't." I told him.

He rubbed the tears away from his eyes and looked up at me. "I-It's fine. I do want to come, and you were right. He doesn't deserve to have me crying over our breakup. So, I'll come with you guys." He said, smiling at me. I smiled back and took his hand. "C'mon then! Let's get going!" I said while pulling him with me, down the sidewalk. I could see he was blushing a lot from me doing this, and I thought it was cute. But, I eventually let go of his hand and we walked side by side to the ice skating rink.

***Time Skip of (adorable) awkward silence***

When we got to the rink we rented some ice skates and sat down on a nearby bench to get them on. I had no trouble with mine but I looked over to where Artie was sitting, and I saw that he was struggling to get them on. "Hehe. Do you need some help, dude?" I asked him. Pink dusted his cheeks as he nodded his head. I reached down and tied his skates for him. Then, I stood up and motioned to Artie for him to follow. He shakily stood up, but almost immediately fell into my arms. I chuckled as I helped him back up, noticing the pink on his cheeks again.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I took it out and went into IMessage to see who texted me. It was Gilbert. It read:
'Kesesesesese~ Hav a fun time w/him, bro. Don't mess up this awesome opportunity to finally get him ;)'
I felt my face heat up slightly, and put my phone back into my pocket before Artie could see. "Hey, um.............The other guys aren't coming. They got held up." I told him. He just shrugged as a response. I let out a huge sigh as we walked over to the ice and got on. Well.....I got on the ice. Artie just stayed on the ground off the ice. "Hey! C'mon Artie! Get on the ice!" I said to him. He shook his head, and that was when I knew something was up. "I skated back over to where he was and grabbed his arm. "It's not that hard. You can hold my hand and the railing of you want." I smiled reassuringly. "O-Okay. D-Don't let g-go though." He said with a scared look in his eyes as we stepped onto the ice. His arms immediately went to the railing to catch himself from falling down. I laughed and went over to grab his arm again.

Artie started to slowly slid across the edge of the rink, my arm in one hand and the railing in the other. "Dude, do you wanna see something cool?" I asked him. He nodded and let go of my arm. I quickly skated around the rink and came up next to him, and scraped the top layer of the ice while coming to a stop (I don't kno if that trick has a name or something so I did my best to describe it! XP). Artie just stared at me, a completely astonished look on his face. I chuckled at the fact that he was staring, and his face turned red, spreading all the way to his ears. I went in front of him and took both of his hands in mine.

"Oi! W-what are y-you doing?! You b-bloody g-git!" He said shakily. "You need to learn not to hold onto the rail. Don't worry, it's completely safe." "W-well.....What if I f-fall?!" He asked, not taking his eyes off the ground. "Then I'll just have to catch you." I calmly stated. He looked up at me again, and stuck his tongue out. I laughed and started to skate backwards, dragging him forward. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." He repeated that word the entire time I pulled him. I rolled my eyes and pulled him back to the railing. "Dude, I'm gonna take a few laps around. You can hold onto the rail and try to just slide your skates forward, okay?" I said. He nodded his head.

Arthur's POV

I watched as he slid away. "I should've never agreed to come here. This is so embarrassing!" I mumbled under my breath. I started to slowly pull myself forward with the rail, not taking my eyes off of the ground. I eventually made it a few meters forward, but I realized that it has been ten minutes already. I looked up, still holding the rail, and saw Alfred heading over to me. "Hey dude! You're doing really well, but how about I pull you so that some other people can go forward." I blushed as I realized that there were some little kids behind me.

Alfred grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to the middle of the rink. "A-Ah! A-Alf-fred! Not so far a-away!" I stuttered, looking into his eyes. "Don't be a baby. Remember, if you fall, I'll catch you." He reassured me. I blushed a little as he linked his arm in mine. We started to skate forward, a little shakily at first. "You're doing good. Especially since you aren't saying shit as much anymore." He chuckled. I laughed a little, too. I heard a song come on the speakers. It sounded like One Direction singing Perfect (hehehe. I'm sry. I had to.) . I've only heard that song a few times, but I still know quite a few lyrics to it.

I heard Alfred humming the song and I looked up at him. That caused me to trip on the front of my skates, and fall down. Bringing him down with me. I ended up landing on top of him, our legs tangled up. I didn't know that my eyes were closed until I opened them. I felt heat rush to my face when I saw his eyes right in front of mine. Our noses were touching and our lips were only and inch apart.

"Then baby, I'm perfect. Baby, I'm perfect for you."

I felt a shock go through my body, as if a decision was made in heaven. "Hehe. We surely got ourselves tangled up, didn't we.." Alfred said. I slowly sat up and climbed off of him. I was still blushing furiously when he got up and offered me his hand. I took it and stood up. He skated me over to the rail again and I held onto that with one hand, not wanting to let go of his with the other. He pulled his phone back out of his pocket with his other hand, probably to check the time. "Wow. It's already nine o'clock at night. We should probably get going." He said, while pulling me towards the exit and putting his phone back in its original place. "Okay." I said.

We got off of the ice and got our regular shoes back on. He stood up and waited until I was done and ready to leave. I stood up and we left for our apartments. It was pretty dark out but we had the street lights to show us where we were. It was just a few minutes until we got to our building, and walked in.

We walked up the flights of stairs in silence. We eventually got to Alfred's door. "U-Um..... I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do it again sometime." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah. It was a lot of fun. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Alfred. Goodnight." Before I could change my mind, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and went to my apartment. I quickly looked back before I closed my door, and I saw Alfred still standing there, with one hand on his cheek, and blush all over his face. I giggled and closed the door behind me.

Alfred's POV

'H-He...........kissed my cheek....Does he like me back?! Omg! This is so cool!' I thought to myself. I felt a smile spread across my face as I went inside my apartment. All night, I could only think of Arthur. I really did hope that he liked me back, which he most likely did. I got into my pj's and set my glasses on my bedside table, and turned off the light. I climbed into bed and closed my heavy eyelids, entering my dreams for the night.

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