Butterflies and Fire

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Dean Thomas had just broken up with Ginny Weasley. Seamus knew it probably wasn't the proper time to ask his clearly bisexual best mate out for a Butterbeer in The Three Broomsticks, but Seamus couldn't stand to watch Dean slowly crumple into a heap of tears. He actually couldn't stand to watch Dean fall to the floor crying. His knees grew weak and an unnerving sense of uselessness fills his stomach, quickly replacing the butterflies he had been feeling around Dean since the Quidditch World Cup.

It was the beginning of Christmas Break, and everyone was staying at Hogwarts for the Yule Ball. The only time Seamus had seen Dean smile since his breakup with Ginny was when they watched Ron dance with Professor McGonagall just after announcing the Yule Ball. Seamus was the only one to know about Dean and Ginny being together, but he was sure Hermione knew. Girls tell each other everything. He was trusted with a secret, and he intended to keep that secret. He would never want to break Dean's trust.

When Seamus heard the sound of glass shattering coming from the boys dormitories, he feared that Dean would do something drastic. Thankfully he was incorrect. Poor accident-prone Neville Longbottom had attempted to open a window to let an owl in and he broke the window. The dark owl was carrying a Howler and a large, bulky package. The package was undoubtedly Neville's dress robes for the ball. Seamus stops in the doorway, his heart beating, still feeding off the fear.

"I'd better go, er, good luck with that Howler of yours. With my luck I'd find a way to set the damn thing on fire." Seamus exited the room and rushed down the stairs, the sounds of Agusta Lungbottom's screeches following him. Seamus turns the corner into the common room to find Dean slowly stumbling in through the portrait hole. He collapses on the couch in front of the fireplace and nearly instantly falls asleep.

"Seamus?" Dean mumbles, half asleep. Seamus gets over his shock of a possibly drunk Dean and walks over to sit in a chair.

"Yeah?" Seamus quietly responds to Dean's mumble.

"What the hell is Neville's grandmum doing at Hogwarts? And what's she going on about?" Seamus smiles at his best friend and opens his mouth to answer, but Dean is already fast asleep.


A few hours later, Seamus decides it's time for Dean to get up and be only slightly productive. Dean has been through enough recently that he doesn't have to be extremely productive. Seamus gets off of his favorite chair and slowly shuffles over to the sleeping figure on the couch. Seamus is sure to set down his wand on the nonflammable table before even getting close to Dean. Hermione and Professor McGonagall had fireproofed the entire common room in their third year after Seamus nearly set a first year's chair on fire by simply casting the Augmenti spell. It's still a mystery how a water spell managed to produce fire.

Seamus walks over to Dean and pokes his arm until he wakes up. Dean sits up and slaps Seamus's hand away. "I'm up, git." Seamus smiles to himself. The butterflies are stronger than ever.

"What do you say, Sleeping Beauty is up!" Dean taught Seamus about Disney. They used to sneak into the Muggle Studies classroom to watch movies and television. At first, Seamus was bewildered that a box could produce noise and pictures. Every once and a while, they'll still sneak up there to watch some of their favorites. They don't do it as often as they used to because they once got caught by Peeves the Poltergeist, who threatened to sing about their sneaking during breakfast the next day. He did sing, but it was extremely inappropriate and Professor Dumbledore sent Peeves away before the chorus even began.

"Come on, Dean. Get up! Let's go watch some movies!" Dean slowly climbs to his feet and wipes the sleep out of his eyes. Even though they're the same age, Dean towers over Seamus. Seamus barely comes up to Dean's chin. They walk out the portrait hole to find the halls deserted.

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