Butterflies and Fire: Part III

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Dean had gotten out of the Hospital Wing a couple days ago. All of Hogwarts knew about the fire attacks on Dean and Seamus, and rumors were starting to fly. Them being together did not help those rumors either. Dean overheard Terry Boot telling one of his friends that he heard that the fire came from Seamus in a fit of passion towards Dean. Another popular rumor was that another escaped prisoner had been hiding in Hogwarts again, disguised somehow, just as Sirius Black had been the year before. Some people blamed Dean, saying that he actually hated Seamus and was trying to off him, and those attacks on him had been Seamus protecting himself.

Seamus told Dean every night that they were "just rumors, pathetic blasted bull rumors" that neither of them needed to worry about. Yet, they both did worry. Seamus in particular. What if he no longer had control over his magic, like he was a child again? What if he was subconsciously hurting Dean with his fire? What if this was all his fault?


Dean and Seamus were alone in the Gryffindor common room. The only light was coming from the fire place, and even that was beginning to calm down. Dean was helping Seamus with his Transfiguration essay, but Seamus couldn't focus at all.

"Seamus, I know you want to go see a movie tonight, but since Dumbledore has upped the teacher and prefect patrols it's impossible. We can't sneak out like Harry can. We don't have the special treatment or whatever he's got. Plus, the Muggle Studies classroom is on the other side of the castle. It'd take us at least half an hour to get over there if we managed to dodge everyone and we have class in the morning. We can't go." Seamus had been begging to sneak out to watch a Muggle movie, but Dean had just pointed out that it was impossible.

"Fine, Dean. Then I'll go grab a movie and the tellyvision or whatever it's called and I'll bring it here. I'll tell whoever I come across that it's for my Muggle Studies class." Seamus stood up and grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder before grabbing his wand. He began to walk towards the portrait hole when Dean grabbed him by the wrist.

"Seamus, you don't take Muggle Studies." Dean stood up to stand beside Seamus. Seamus wriggled free of Dean's grasp and dashed out of the way.

"I know but they don't know that!" And with that, Seamus was already ducking out of the portrait hole. Dean panicked for a second. He couldn't let Seamus go out. It's too dangerous. There is still someone running around Hogwarts with the power to set him on fire.

Dean dropped to his knees and began searching under the couches and chairs for his wand. He couldn't find it so he stood up and shuffled the papers on the table around until he found his wand. Dean rushed out the portrait hole after his boyfriend, only to find a deserted corridor.

Dean walked as quickly and as quietly as he could towards the Muggle Studies classroom, and he knew he was catching up to Seamus because he heard footsteps in front of him. Dean turned the corner and came to a halt right behind a strange man and Zacharias Smith. Dean ducked inside an empty classroom before they could see him. He listened as intently as possible, yet he only got a few snippets of their conversation.

"You've got to do it," whispered the stranger. Zacharias must've said something he didn't like because the next thing Dean heard was a quiet squeak of fear from Zacharias. Dean peered outside of the classroom and saw Zacharias holding his wand up and pointing it towards Seamus, who was tugging at the cart that had the TV on it. Seamus didn't see any of them, so Dean ran out and tried to tackle the stranger and Zacharias at the same time. This was a really stupid decision.

The stranger pulled his wand on the three fourth years and shot a spell at each of them. Screams filled the corridor, and Dean, Seamus, and Zacharias all fell to the floor.


Dean woke up in the Hospital Wing again, only this time Seamus was in the bed next to him, just as burnt. Zacharias was in the bed opposite Seamus's. Madame Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Sprout were talking in a corner. Dean tried to speak but once again, he could only croak.

"Oh he's awake," said Madame Pomfrey. "Just lie back now Mr. Thomas. Get some rest." She went over to Dean with various potions floating behind her. Once Dean had swallowed the healing potions, he drank a silver potion that tasted of lemons. As Madme Pomfrey was explaining that it was a sleeping potion, Dean fell asleep.


Dean was the first person to be questioned about the events of the attack. He relayed every bit of information he could to Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore, leaving out the part about Seamus planning on stealing a television. Instead he said Seamus was headed for the kitchens for a late night snack.

Dumbledore and McGonagall immediately decided to question Zacharias Smith, but he was still unconscious, even after a week of potions and spells. The healers from St. Mungos had come over to examine Zacharias, and they speculated that he had been only been burnt. They found no damage from any other spells.

Professor Sprout visited the Hospital Wing once. She questioned Dean and Seamus about what had happened to Zacharias. When Dean told her, she began to cry. She mumbled something about her Mandrakes needing to be changed pots and she bustled away to the Greenhouses.

When Zacharias awoke, he consented to Veriteserum even after he had told the truth. Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore simply didn't want to believe it.

He said that he was under the Imperious curse for most of the past two months. He said he never knew who was putting the curse on him because the man always told him what to do while wearing a hood. Dean wasn't able to any help in identifying this man as he didn't even see him. Seamus couldn't help either.


Since Dumbledore was all about second chances, he let Zacharias stay at Hogwarts with detention until the end of term. Dumbledore only did this because Zacharias hadn't come forward sooner.

Hogwarts moved on and soon forgot about the flame attacks.


Seamus was happy to be in Dean's arms once again, only this time they weren't afraid of the fire. They had just finished their Potions essay on the effects of knotgrass when Dean pulled out a sketchbook and began drawing.

After an hour or so, Seamus spoke. "What's that?" He made a grab for the notebook, but Dean held it above his head. Seamus could see the burn scars on Dean's arm and neck.

"It's a sketchbook. Wanna see?" Dean opened the book and flipped through it to find one drawing to show Seamus. It was a drawing of Seamus laughing at something Lavender Brown had said. Seamus took the book and flipped the page.

They were all drawing of Seamus. Seamus sleeping, Seamus writing, Seamus laughing, Seamus casting a spell. They were incredible.

"Dean, these are bloody amazing."

"I've been trying to capture the light in your eyes for a while now. I think I've finally got it." Dean turned to the last page in the sketchbook. It was a portrait of Seamus twiddling his quill. Dean was right. He finally got the light in Seamus's eyes. He also got the burn scars snaking up his neck and down his chest and across his arms.

Seamus's stomach filled with butterflies, for only the twenty-seventh time that day. Dean and Seamus looked at each other and smiled. Seamus gave Dean the sketchbook back.

Dean scooted over to sit next to Seamus on the couch in front of the fire. He put his arm around Seamus, and they both had butterflies. After a few minutes of silence, Seamus looked at Dean and said, "I hope in the future, there's more butterflies and less fire."


"You know, that feeling you get when you look at me."

"Oh yeah. I agree, Seamus. More butterflies and less fire please. But don't ever give up on your pyrotechnics. You're cute when an explosion blows your hair back."


Okay I'm done with this one shot. It only took me a whole year, so I guess it's a full blown fic. I hope you enjoyed the three part story of Butterflies and Fire. Comment suggestions for the next story! Also feel free to vote if you liked it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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