Chapter 6

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Me: *getting some milk for cereal and stuff* 030 "Milk!"

Jillian: "What else do we need?"

Me: *looks at shopping list* "Hmm......we need to get some food and the rest is just for us to have!" 030

Jillian: *smiles* "Cool!" 030

*Time Skip*

Me: *has a lot of bags* "So many food!" -3-

Jillian: *laughs* "Yep" XD

Budder: -3-

Me: *gasps and starts running while laughing* "CAN'T CATCH ME!!!!" 030 >X'D

Jillian: *starts running after me* "HEY!!!" -3-

Budder: *running with me* :3

Bonnie: *sees me and Jillian running and smiles* :3

Riley: *also smiling* :3

Ruby: *smiling as well* :3

That's it for chapter 6......030

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