Throughout Shadows

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In an ancient civilization there is a single empire, split into three kingdoms. One is a kingdom of brute force and another of black magic, sitting between the two is the kingdom of pride and elegance. Two are enemies of a long line, while the kingdom sitting between the two bickering with conflict, an alliance holds steady.

Each kingdom has house of a king and queen, and their many, many son's. There are many boys born into the line of royalty for all kingdoms... but somehow there is only one princess out of three families. She belongs to the kingdom the pride and elegance, a palace strong enough to diminish feuds with only just enough passion... a passion found in the young princess. And oh, how she is the apple of her father's eye, along with any other man seeking to wed and seed.

Now, there was once another princess, one said to be blessed by the goddess Isis herself but her life within the walls and amongst her loved one's was only a short few months, her death struck tragedy into everyone's hearts. However this is not about a lost princess, but more so one alive... thriving and passionate about every aspect that surrounds her, that life has so graciously given to her.

Her majesty... the princess of the kingdom Irea. Not many know of her and that may because she is only a woman, the only female legitimate child of any royal family in these past seventeen years... and wouldn't you like to keep such a rare gem safe for all eternity? But it may be caused by her father, never letting her presence known beyond the city walls, his love driving his action's to that of what his queen deems far to over-protective... almost fearful of what could happen to her.

Her beauty and wisdom extends far beyond her years, any man would want her for that alone, but her power and social status is just something many greed over and many dream to obtain. Many noble men looking for a wife have attempted to woe her, to seek the blessings of her father. However, Pharaoh has proven to be a picky old soul who only seeks the most noble of blood and worthy to seed his daughter... though no man shall ever be as worthy of her hand as he dreams and so he knows he must settle for less, but he'll be damned if he gives her to someone he knows will eventually, one day hurt her delicate heart. No man has ever been worthy of her.

That is until, the news that Pharaoh Darius is seeking a new wife to call to his harem. Knowing his beloved gem has been trained her whole life to touch the heart of a Pharaoh he offered her to Queen Nebet, hearing such news, she quickly found her way to Irea, standing before the breath taking women. She showed everything Nebet had hoped in her successor, brains and beauty with birthing hips so perfect she believed to be looking a marble statue for a second. Queen Nebet had been impressed... so, so very impressed and she demanded they wed at last light within three days time and that she will be her successor, no matter the cost.

Now, I know you may ask... How old is Pharaoh Darius? Well he only recently took the throne not too long ago, four to five years perhaps. Princess Imi is only seventeen but it is not uncommon within this time of life to marry a man older then you, some range a couple of twenty years above their wife, some possibly even more. So a gap of only seven years is defiantly not one of shock and horror. In fact, some people within their society might be so bold as to say it's far to close.

When Pharaoh Retris spread word of his delicate flowers engagement, Imi had known her life would be fought between concubine and head wife. She knew she could reach high princess without breaking a sweat, but beyond could prove a difficult task, even for her. Any woman of power, riches and beauty has been trained, but no more than Imi herself. Imi spent many a days within her chamber reciting word to word and copying page to page, she practiced and practiced and by the time she had turned fourteen she had mastered the ways of a princess, queen and wife... manipulator, ruler and seductress. Now, if Imi is to fail and not become queen she will be a laughing stock and just as her father's harsh words had said she will pay dearly and so for Imi, that is not an option.

Imi is far to knowing of her soon to be husbands weddings to only noble woman. As any royal born she will never come below a simple noble when she can have it all. Her status can never be tainted, but Imi has slight fear. Pharaoh Darius has never stuck with a favoured wife for more than five months, he is constantly changing and he is renowned for it. But alas the princess has well prepared well for this marriage, and so, she has learnt just how to work her way towards the top. She does not care if it takes years or only mere seconds, all she can do is wait and then keep herself within his favour until finally, she can bear him a son and what follows that, queen.

Imi is a girl to not anger, she has a short temper and knows her away around every herb. She is a fierce young girl and not many people take heed of warnings word. Her pure blooded status makes her proud and competitive to those below her and above all, dangerous. With a single flick of her wrist she can destroy the sacred harem that in all reality is tainted with lies and greed and deception. She will not be caught for braking rules and rules, however the other's will because by Imi's word, they will be seen in the act and with only a look they will not be able to get out a shallow ditch, for they will dig a whole so deep they won't ever be able to reach their way out of it and non... no one will notice it happening.

The day before the sun had started to set on the third day, Imi and her royal yard had begun their way over to Abria. As they neared the city and palace the next day at almost sundown she and her personal maid had draped her body in exotic silvers and silks, showered her body in the slightest mist of perfume and washed her hair with such care it is left splayed over her shoulder and down her back like living silk. King Retris's special jewel will have a worthy man to seed her, his absolute pride was apparent the second Queen Nebet had walked out of Imi's chamber with those clear, ground shaking demands... and Imi... oh she knows exactly what is going to happen the second she drinks from the goblet at her wedding reception, for Imi failing is out of the question.

Imi will not fail.

She never does.

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