Chapter 12

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-Luke P.O.V-

My eyes scanning the crowded people at the airport. The plane will depart another 20 minutes. But I can't sense Syaf's presence.

"Mate, she will be here soon. Cal already called Syaf. She just take her own sweet time at the Starbuck. She on her way,"Ashton said.

" Oh,thanks mate. But where's Cal?" I asked.

"I think he went to the toilet. " Ashton said.

My heart aching when Ashton said that Calum called Syaf. I don't know why I'm feeling jealous. But I think Calum acting weird these day. He become closer to Syaf. The presence of Syaf and the announcement of our depature make me return to reality. That I have to make my way to the plane.

-Syafreen P.O.V-

"Oh my lord! I can't believe that we are in London!," I said. My eyes scanning the beauty of Heathrow airport. As we passed the security check, I walked closer to Luke. But he seems to keep our distance. I don't know what bothered him but I don't like the tension between us.

Suddenly, Luke's phone ring. I glanced at his phone screen. It's Hayley. He picked the phone up and walk away. I see him smile and chuckles through the conversation.

"Oi, earth to Syaf," Cal said. I chuckle as he stumbled to Ashton shoulder. I wonder if dating Calum might erase my feelings to Luke. I walked to Calum and tangled our hands togrther. He seems surprised but he looks happy with it.

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