Chapter 4

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-Syafren P.O.V-

I woke up as I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Calum said while walk towards me.

"Hey,stinkyfeet." I replied. I pulled my hair and put it into a bun. He sat next to me on the bed.

"So, do you think you can make it? I'm sure that you can. "He said again. I gave him a glare and sigh.

"I don't know,Cal. It's hard for me. You know, to be a fake girlfriend to the person you hate. It's hard. Especially, when he is not grateful and thankful to me. I think helping him just a bad idea." I expressed all to him. He pulled me in a hug. I let out the small sob. And I cried in his hug.

"Hey-- Don't cry, my lil munchkin. You'll look terrible." He said. I smiled. He wiped the tears with his hand. He looked at me. I don't know why, but I felt uneasy the way he looked at me. I can tell that he likes me more than a friend or sister. But-- I don't love him. He just like my brother to me.

"You're beautiful, ya know." He said before I realised that his face is just an inch from mine. I walked out my room. I can hear him calling my name. I don't know where am I going. I realised that I already outside from the house. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I saw that there are many notification from my twitter. I clicked the blue bird icon.

@loveslukeforever:@SyafreenRichard Oh god...... I can't believe that you are dating Luke.

@MuahLuke : @Luke5sos@SyafreenRichard You are so beautiful when you are sleep. I can't believe tht Luke post ur pic when you're sleep. Naughty guy.

Wait. What? My photos when I'm sleep.

I scrolled down my notification and saw a tweet that Luke tagged me in it.

@Luke5sos: with my sleeping beauty @SyafreenRichards http://www.twitter/

I clicked the link to view the photo.

Just a minute, the picture appear. What the hell. Since when he took this picture. How he get this picture? Shit!

I walked to the starbucks nerby to get some drinks as I'm thirsty. I already forget the incident that Calum trying to kiss me. Now, I'm filled with anger for Luke. How dare he is!


Yayyyyy!!! Already reached 500+ readers!!!! Thank you all my lovely readers. You guys are so amazaynn.. Omg. Wht just happen?? Calum trying to kiss Syafreen?? What. Calum love her? I dunno..  you have to keep reading.  I'm sorry tht I just made a short update. And sorry for my grammar. I'm in a rush to a tuition actually when I wrote this. I hope you like it.  Votes of you love 5sos. Keep reading.

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