Chapter 2

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So here is Ch.2 I added a picture of Samii so you guys can see her in all her glory, anyway I hope I get more readers. I'm dedicating this Chapter to one of my fave writers on here, the reason I am dedicating this chapter to her is because I could be having a bad day and just when I start reading one of her stories I get lost in them and my problems seem to fade  away ^_^ So heres to you @Chupacabra94 !! xoxo Phoenix Maars

Samii'S POV [A/N: right around the time Nicole is saving Norman]

You read about people saying their 'life flashed before their eyes' in times of great danger or distraught, you try to put yourself in their mind set. You think real hard about how it would feel and how you would react. Let me tell you, it's one thing to read about it and to try too picture yourself in that sort of situation, but when you are actually going through it, it's one of the most indescribable moments of your life. Being bounded by a swarm of those disgusting things makes you lose hope. All I wanted to do was find my sister, was that really so much to ask? All I have now is a dead fiancée –I cringed at the thought-, a missing sister, and my imminent doom. Everywhere I turned appeared to be infested with boogies. I only had a crossbow –his crossbow- with three arrows left and a dagger to defend myself. I kept fighting though, I don't know what was coming over me, maybe it was the anger, the guilt, or the pain in losing the love of my life that was pushing me to continue fighting. I was all out of arrows; I was left to use my dagger as leverage. All my fighting was starting to be in vain because for every boogie that I killed five more seemed to pop up. I was scared, alone, and surrounded, who knows where my sister was, my poor fiancée became food for those creeps; what do I have to fight for? No matter how many of these freaks I kill, no matter how hard I fight, nothing is going to bring my fiancée and my sister back. This is my fate I'm supposed to die here, this is how it is going to end; my mother always told me I fought to come into this world, I guess I am going to fight my way out. I fought a few more off and backed into a wall, I stood there awaiting my kismet. "Stop this Samii, this isn't you! Fight! Fight this sister! Please don't give up just yet!" I heard my sister's voice ring through my head. Her voice was all it took for me to muster up ever once of audacity I had in me to fight my way through the horde of boogies. One after another I took the boogies out but again to no avail I was still backed up against the wall. I tried looking for a way out, all my eyes saw were boogies everywhere. I was becoming exhausted and my adrenalin rush faded away, I didn't know how I was going to survive, or if I was going to survive, all I knew was that I would fight to the last tooth and nail, because that's what my sister and my fiancée would have wanted me to do.  

"Watch out!" I heard a boyish voice yell. Suddenly gunshots were coming from all over the place and all the boogies that surrounded me were dropping to the ground. As the last boogie hit the pavement a group of sixteen through eighteen year olds came into view. One boy looked oddly familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I had seen him. "What are you waiting for? Come on!" The familiar looking boy said as he grabbed me by the wrist. We started running to who knows where and honestly I didn't care where these people were taking me I was just exhausted and relived the boogies were gone (for now at least). We ran for about four blocks until we came to a stop in front of this high school. "Come on in here it's safe." The boy said. "Open the gate! Its just us!" A boy with long blonde hair yelled. When we got to the large gate I was greeted with even more teenagers (maybe my sister is here), the other group of teens quickly opened the gate for us. We all ran in and a big sigh of relief escaped me, I could feel my adrenalin rush leave my body, and all the hurt and exhaustion kicked in. My whole body from head to toe ached like you wouldn't believe; I swear I have never felt so sore in my whole life. My weary body started to shut down, I unexpectedly started to puke who knows what because I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. As I wiped my mouth and tried to get a hold of myself the world started spinning out of control and my knees started to buckle. The last thing I remember was falling into a pair of muscular arms.

I'm lying on this beautiful meadow occupied with lavender and white flowers, a warm breeze runs through my face and around my body, the smell of fresh grass and dew makes its way up my nose then subsides leaving me yearning more of the wonderful aroma, the flowers prickle my bare arms and legs (ever so slightly) causing goosebumps to appear, I maneuver my hands over the damp flowers and a magnificent sensation embraces my palms. My ear drums rung with the phenomenal sound of birds singing their love songs, the wind howled peacefully a sweet lullaby; my ears stumbled upon the wind and the birds synchronizing in their tunes, they were now enticing me to listen, to sing with them, the tantalizing humming came in through both ears and stayed in my mind encircling my brain. I take in my scenery as I look up to the sky, oh the sky, how extraordinary it looks! The whitest-puffiest clouds inhabit the blue endless ocean, if I could fly high into the sky I would lay on those clouds for as long as I could. The sun staring at me in all its glory, sending ray beams to my skin so that it could radiate and shine, just like he does; the sun. Look how he emanates for all of us, how it helps us grow, how it turns the clouds and sky into wondrous colors of purple and lavender. I felt my heart break as the sun started to set, as the sun started to leave me and hide away unto a place indefinite to me. Night came like a thief and stole my vision, I could no longer see the meadow or the flowers I was laying on, I could no longer see the clouds or the sun. The delightful sensation of the flowers disappeared and a horrid awareness of stinging came over me; it felt as if I was lying on dead weeds. I took in a deep breath eager to locate the smell of nature, to my dismay all I found was this callous smell of rotting flesh. I propped up my hearing wishfully thinking I would hear the birds, all I got was the wind wailing profanities at me. The state of fear became me, I wanted out of this. I got on my feet and started to run into the abyss of darkness that fenced me, and that's when I heard the all so familiar moaning. I yelled at the top of lungs and ran even faster, I could feel myself bumping into them, those things, the things that took my fiancée and perhaps my sister, the things I fight everyday with, the things that threaten my survival on earth; the living dead, the boogies. I felt boney hands all over me, I tried to fight but my body went numb, my legs were glued to the ground, and all I could do was scream and cry hopelessly as the boogies ate into me.

My eyes shot open as I awoke in a cold sweat, I realized I was on a cot, I quickly sat up as reality came slapping me in the face, I remembered everything that had happened; being trapped by boogies and those teens saving me. I looked around and noticed I was inside a cafeteria, I saw some teens stirring around swiftly (doing chores I assume), none of them looked like the teens that had saved me or the teens at the gate. I started to walk towards them when I was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice.

"If I were you I'd be taking it easy." I turned around to come face to face with my savior. "I mean you just got back from taking on an army of those 'disasters with legs', any normal human being would be running on empty after that so come on take it easy, you're safe here anyway." He said reaching out his arm to me.

"It's not safe anywhere kid." I said dismissing his gesture.

"I'm not a kid, and is that anyway to talk to the person that just saved your life." He sounded hurt by my rudeness, which surprised me because I thought he'd be angry.

"I'm sorry it's been a long day for me, I, uh, I lost my fiancée, when the horde attacked me." His eyes filled with empathy as he frowned at me.

"I lost my parents because of those things, I know how you feel, it, it sucks."

"Understatement." We both said.

"I'm Kentin." He said extending his hand this time.

"Nice to meet you Kentin, I'm Samii, thank you for saving my life." I took his hand in mine and shook it.

I know it's going a bit slow but trust me it's going to get better!

Here is a link to a picture of the meadow Samii was lying on:

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