I Scream for Ice Cream

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My heart was racing so fast and I guess I was sweating, cause everyone was looking at me. I let out a big breathe of air I was holding in.

Calm down, dude, all he wants is food.....

I said, "Well, do you like ice cream?"

The next thing I knew. He was jumping onto me and my lap.

"PWEASE PWEASE PWEASE PWEASSSSSSEEE!!!" He said, almost screaming.

I picked him up and set him on my lap. He had so much life in his eyes, so much amusement.

"Ok ok, calm down. You sit here and I'll go get some."

He ran back into his seat, and when I mean ran, I mean OH MY LORD HE HAS THE SAME ABILITY AS ME!

How is this possible.....

A couple minutes later, I came back with some chocolate ice cream, two bowls. I set his down on his lap and before I could even sit down, he had DEVOURED IT.


I looked at him crazily, saying, "SONIC, I can't give you anymore, there's not enough left."

Pretty sure he's gonna kill me.....

He smiled, which I was surprised, and went back to enjoying my ice cream and doing my paper work.


After about six hours of signing worthless papers,
My boss bringing MORE papers for me to sign, and Sonic whining every ten minutes about how bored he is, I finally got to go home. I organize everything,(it's been like two months since my desk had been clean) and got ready to leave.

I looked at sonic, who was just staring down the hall watching people pack up.

"Sonic, you ready to leave?"

He was rubbing his eyes, trying his best not to fall asleep. I picked him up, and walked out the door. I was thinking to maybe stop and grab something to eat, but he looked pretty beat. So I just decided to walk home.

We got there 20 mins later, Sonic asleep in my arms. He looks so desperate, like he needs someone. I know I'm only going to take care of him for a couple days, a week at tops. After, I'll probably give him to the foster system or something. I feel bad for the kid. But I can't keep him, I mean, I'm only a 17 year old zone cop.

But what if no one takes him...?

I unlock the door, walk in the apartment and lock the door behind me. I notice Sonic rubbing his eyes, he looks so tired. The only thing I have to sleep on is a giant bed, where a couch should go.
I haven't even finished setting up my apartment.

Sonic looks at me, bags under his eyes and all, saying, "Dad, can I have my blanket?"

I died a little inside.....

"Uh..yeah hold on."

I set him on the bed, the side I don't like to sleep on cause I don't feel comfortable. I went to go grab a blanket, any small blanket that would hopefully match his "blanket".

I eventually find a green quilt with animals stitch all over it.

Hopefully this works.....

I run back to the main room, and he is trying SO HARD to keep his eyes open. I feel bad for the poor dude.

"Here little dude."

He smiles and goes straight to sleep.

But, he called me DAD....

Hai there loves!
Hope you enjoyed This chapter!

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Bye loves!

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