Picking up the pieces...

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So this women is in search of true love. Her last relationship was ok but, the communication was broken. She didn't feel like the guy was her soul mate because she knows that it should have felt better then it did. So she gets in touch with this guy from high school that she never would have thought she'd be with. Contact information is exchanged and they went from there. This is quite a challenge for her because this is actually a guy who is her type. They hang out and eventually have sex. They sex is sooo amazing that it's better then her long lover. Because of the sexual chemistry she thought that there could actually be something. Of course she was wrong. No more good morning beautiful texts .....

"Give guys a challenge..... If you know that you are in search of true love, take your time. Stop convincing yourself that you could be the exception. Having sex to soon does not make you a hoe, but it doesn't present long lasting love. You didn't give him time to want to no more about this beautiful women and the greatness she brings to the table. If you decided to give up what I call the "Grand Prize" forgive yourself and move on.....
Don't call him! He'll call you. Make it seem like last night was ok and then quickly end the conversation by saying " I'm expecting an important phone call, I'll get back to you later". If you are the exception this situation could possibly turn around. If you are not the exception....do it the right way next time 💅🏾

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