"Don't be a Waverly man".

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What's a Waverly man? A man that has little faith.

Well, first I heard this word in church, and the way my Pastor describes the meaning is basically a person who isnt committed. They go back and forth about their beliefs.

Example: If you started out believing that you will someday be this well known author, or so and so, then all of a sudden you doubt yourself. So all the things that you were doing you make excuses after excuses on why you aren't dedicated to accomplish that goal, so you give up,but when you notice another person being committed you jump back on the ball.

Question: How are others suppose to take you serious if you're not serious?

Tips on how to stay focus

1. First write down atlease 1-3 goals. Only focus on a few at a time because if you try to do everything at once, you may start to feel overwhelmed and could possibly get discouraged.

2. Don't move on to the next thing until you are 100% done with one of your goals.

3. Take a portion of your day and dedicate it to work. Don't go to bed without doing something!

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