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Kelly's pov

he kicked me and battered my body around.

we came to a large field and they threw me into a huge deep hole in the ground that was pitch black.

I tried screaming but because of the broken rib that they had gave me...nothing came out if my mouth bit a small whisper of pain.

they started pulling dirt over the edge and putting it on me.

then it clicked...they were going to Barry me alive.... oh my gosh

Ryan's pov

I could hear dirt being moved around but I could figure pitching direction itvwas coming from...I spotted two guys digging in the middle of a field and asked what they were doing and if they had seen a girl with brown hair go by

"No" one said calmly

"OK...what are you doing anyway.?"

uh just had some extra dirt from the store and had nowhere to put it." the ghiuy said hesitating

"oh OK"

I knew they had Kelly and I soon heard a small sound of a girl coming from where the hole was.

I quickly turned around to see the two guys looking at me with smirk on there faces

I punched then square in the face and smirked to myself for knowing that they were stupid for trying to trick me into thinking that they didn't have Kelly and were just "digging" at one in the morning.

I went to the whole and noticed a hand sticking out of it and was trying to push away dirt.

I grabbed the shoved and removed a ton of dirt to see who it was.

Kelly was about 3 feet down and was passed out.. probably from inhaling all of the dirt.

I picked her up and rushed her to the pack doctor and the lady didn't even bother to glare at me this time.

she led me to a room and then asked me to leave so that they could treat her and get most of the dirt removed

I sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours bit eventually they sent me in to go see her

she was awake and looked pretty clean...they must of been bathing her.

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