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No one would answer next when I spoke and I was starting to get pissed off about it.

I asked again only to see a small girl raise her hand.

"we moved her because she started to cough blood up once she woke up"she whispered softly.

"why was she coughing it up"I asked firmly as she held her head down.

why was this girl scared of me...she lifted it up slightly for me to see her eyes.

then it all came back to me at once, like a punch in the face.

it was Mikaela... I remember her from the school yard... Kelly had gone up to talk to her before the fight with me and that wimpy vamp.

I didn't know what was going on so I hugged Mikaela and thanked her for helping me with Kelly.

I ran through all of the halls sniffing to try to catch a whiff of where she could be.

I found her room in seconds and tried to get in only to find the door locked.

there were nurses inside and there were so many tubes connected to her.

I didn't know what to do.

I was in pure shock of How my mate could be like this

Kelly was awake on her bed...she saw me and started to point getting all of the nurses attention

they unlocked the door for me and I ran to Kelly's bed side.

she was holding her hand for me to take and I took it without thinking...I could hear her heartbeat and it was going slow...too slow for my liking.

"I'll be better in around 2 days"

"How do u know??"


before she could finish she was coughing up major amounts of blood and I could help the worry in her eyes as she knew that it was not going to be all peachy and happy happy in two days.

I grabbed a tissue and whipped her mouth to get all of the blood that was now on her chin and about to drip off.

she looked up at me and smiled sweetly.

"get some sleep love "I said and I watched as she drifted off to a slow and peaceful sleep.

I stayed by her bedside all night and waited for her to wake up.

she woke up around ten in the morning and I couldn't believe my eyes... she looked not half bad...most of the bruises that were on her were gone!...even some of her cuts were almost healed.

she almost looked the Same and I was over joyed to the point of rushing to her bed and getting in.

she was warm and her heartbeat was almost back to normal.

she whispered something in my ear and I didn't catch it until she started to pinch lightly on my back and kind of tickled.

"I need to pee"she screamed now to the point that I thought uneasy going to loose an eardrum.

she started to get up but I pinned her back down and saw her start to giggle.

Kelly's pov


I started to pinch him and all he did was make weird noises... I wanted to ta take tl my friends and my phone was in the bathroom so I would have total privacy.

after slot of hard work he let me you and I sprinted for the door only to have it opened and my friend Mikaela walk out.

I ran into her with full force and we both fell to the ground.

we burst into fits of laughter and I had No freaking clue why.

my bladder was on it's last straw though and I quickly got up and went to the bathroom... finally I got some time to release...I looked around and the thee e'er was a shower running... this was not going to end good.

I knew I had to pee like NOW

I thought for a minute and decided that it would be best to just slowly release and try to make it quiet.

I tried but it was not my lucky day because I went on the loud peeing spree.

I bet the people down stairs were thinking and were like...WHAT THE FUCK IT THAT NOISE...DO WE HAVE A LEAK?

I started laughing and the shower turned off...I jumped off the toilet and found myself face to face with Jared...of crap...Jared was my ex and I could help but look at his amused eyes.

the life of a teenage vampireOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant