~How Is This Love?~ {Yaoi} 3

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I might not be on for a while because of internet problems you guys so i hope you do enjoy the chaoters i do get the chance to put out!...ENJOY!

                                           Song:You make me Feel by Cobrastarship

The next day**

I walk into school and it was practically empty because I get there really early *i wonder if Uki is coming to school today* I think to myself as I walk up the stairs heading toward the roof, I open the roof door and I feel a gust of wind hit me and it felt wonderful.

I loved the way it made me feel, so welcomed by nature I close my eyes and stare up at the sky holding my arms out feeling the wind blow across me after a moment it stopped and I took a deep breath and took in the view of the forest, school grounds, and the neighborhood just beyond.

I felt like today was going to be a good day that's when I look over to see Selene leaning on a fence on the side of the school “....!” I was going to shout her name but stop short and didn't say anything *maybe I should surprise her, I wonder if she's okay today she sounded so sad on the phone yesterday* I think as I head off the roof I walk straight over to her.

She looked over at me with a guilty face *why is she looking at me like that?* I just smile and wave “hey Selene why are you here so early?” I questioned but she didn't answer “...is something wrong?” I ask and still no answer.

I just sigh *maybe I should just be a friend and stay with her until school starts* I go and lean on the fence with her she scoots away a bit but I just let it go and sat down “Korime...” she says lowly, I look up at her she was still looking down and she sounded a bit shaky “i'm...i have something to tell you” I am just staring at her waiting for her to say something.

( SPOILER!!!!!, (I think we all saw this coming..))

“I'm the girl that was from your past..” she says as I see a tear fall I could feel my heart skip a beat as I rose to my feet and took one step and I grabbed her shoulders which made her look up at me as tears filled her eyes “ARE YOU REALLY THAT GIRL!, REALLY!” I say shaking her roughly and her eyes widen.

She lowers her head again and nods “try to remember back, remember how that girl looked..” she says lowly I started to remember she had medium length straight black hair and bright violet eyes with snow white skin “IT REALLY IS YOU!” I say still shocked at the fact that she was the girl from back then.

I could feel relief wash over me and I felt happy, sad, and scared all in one, my whole being began to shake my hands tighten around her shoulders as I could feel my tears coming down my cheek she looks up at me and flinches a bit.

I immediately pull her into an embrace “ghhh.....thank you!....thank you so much...” I say through my tears hoping my broken words would get through to her as my body trembled holding her in an embrace I couldn't stop my tears from falling as my heart raced with fear.

I could feel her shake as her hand reaches my back and hugs me back her short sobs began to turn into true tears and we started to cry on each others shoulders.

~How Is This Love?~ {Yaoi}Where stories live. Discover now