~How Is This Love?~ {Yaoi} 6

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Well i am going to upload this chapter now and this will probably be the last chapter i upload for another 3 weeks sorry you guys i'm just really busy. Enjoy the story though and thank you for reading my story!

                                                                 Song: Feel Good by Modstep

                                                          (And all the other songs mentioned!)

I awoke from my sleep from the feeling of light on my eyelids my eyes flutter open slowly I cringe at the feeling of the light on my eyes I move my hand to cover the light and as I did I felt something move on my waist along with the shirt I was wearing.

I look down my eyes finally adjusting to the light and I find a large arm slicked around my waist, I followed the arm on up leading to a face my heart skipped a beat as I felt happiness rush in.

I quickly look away feeling flustered holding my mouth *so everything that happened yesterday wasn't a dream?* I turn to look at him again as my hand slowly moves down his arm laying over his hand my heart racing with excitement.

I remove my hand and turn my body to my other side to face him as I move the shirt scrunches around my body I reach my hand over to his beautiful face touching it lightly as to not wake him up.

His face felt so soft and warm as my hand caressed it *maybe now it's safe to think that hitsuga and I are leaning towards the same feelings...because everything that happened yesterday wasn't a dream and he wouldn't just do that to me because he wanted my body..right?* I snap out of my thought as I continue to look at his face.

I lean in to his face staring at his closed eyes now I wanted him to wake up to look at me with those beautiful eyes but instead I feel his hand reach over onto the top of mine that was on his face.

I jump and feel my hand get a bit sweaty, I felt my side a little cold but it was only because he removed his arm from there to cover my hand on his face I felt frozen because he still hadn't opened his eyes but yet his hand had touched mine my heart began to beat like crazy I could hear my own heart beat among the silence.

Without realizing it I had began to study his face the structure, curves, bents, eyelash, lips, eyes shape, and his eyebrows and then his eyes started to open but they open slowly to take in the light that shined into the room I started to get nervous as they opened wider so I turned my body away removing my hand from under his and from off his face.

I close my eyes as my heart was still pounding and I felt so nervous I feel my side move into the bed a little as he began to move closer to me and I felt him touch my hair my eyes still tightly closed but then he moves closer and I could feel his breath on my ear.

I feel his hand on my shoulder as my eyes opened up a bit “i want to see your face...korime” I started to feel hot he was suffocating me with the way he said my name, anything he did.

“I....i look horrible I look bad in the mornings and I have bed breath...” I say making the worst excuse possible because I really don't care what I look like or what I smell like in the mornings *the real reason why I didn't want to face him was because of what happened last night...well this morning* his fingers begins to crawl down my side from off of my shoulder making his fingers act like tiny legs.

~How Is This Love?~ {Yaoi}Where stories live. Discover now