Chapter 2

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I have so much to do! Packing, listing the house, cleaning out my fridge— well that won't be a problem,— and also I can't help but wonder what it'll be like living with Travis. My life has changed so much in the past day. Some changes are for good, some for worse.
Finally, my last box is packed. Nicole offered to come and steal all my food. That's so like her. Travis should be here in an hour. I decided to call Laurance and Dante to ask them to help me move. "Hey guys," I say into my phone on the group call. "Hello Lady Katelyn," Dante replies. I grumble, I hate it when he calls me that. "Hey Kate," Laurance says. Why am I subject to so many nicknames. "I was wondering if you guys could help me move today," I ask. They both agree. Apparently they know Travis. Dante and him are pretty close, while I can hear the irritation in Laurance's voice when I mention his name. I silently giggle to myself. Now that's done. I go to sit on one of my stacks of boxes. My bed is dismantled in the corner of the room, the rest of my furniture is waiting patiently on my covered porch. I'll miss this place. Yet, Travis did make a lot of sense when he said I had to move on. I probably should.

As I'm lost in thought a jeep pulls into my driveway. It's actually a pretty cool car. Seconds later a white truck pulls in. Perfect, all my stuff can fit in there. The guys knock on my door, and I open it. They start moving boxes to their vehicles. I, wanting to be helpful, pick up my headboard of my bed. Travis looks astonished at my strength. I smirk, walking toward the truck.

Once everything's put inside the truck, or the trunk of the jeep we drive off. I sit with Travis, because Dante and Luarance's truck doesn't have a backseat. He turns on the radio. Once he sees my distaste, he begins to belt along to bouncy pop song. I have to admit— it's pretty funny. I laugh, and begin to sing along. This is the first time I've been happy in days.

We drive to the north side of town. This is where all the fancy houses are. I'm pretty astonished when we pull up to a mansion. "Your face right now," he laughs. I return the gesture. He jumps out to give me a tour. The house is huge with columns out front. "Care to explain how a pizza guy can afford all this?" I ask smugly. "Ya know how people say that you can't win the lottery? Well let's just say I proved them wrong." Oh. I suppose that makes sense, even if it is a bit suspicious. He leads me up the stares, pointing out rooms as we go. "My room, bathroom, my office, guest room, guest room with bathroom," eventually I tune him out. We're just walking down the intricate halls of his house. He turns around, and we head back to one of the guest rooms. "I had it painted blue," Travis says quietly, "Do you like it?" I stare at him. "Yes! You didn't have to do that, and after I punched you yesterday! You know, even if you have your quirks, you're a decent guy Travis." I meant it. He was a pervert, he's annoying, agitating, and can sometimes be a creep, but he's a great person. "I'll tell the guys to move all the stuff in here," he says, jogging down the stairs. I take the sketch of how I want things to go out of my pocket. Bed in the corner, desk across  from that, dresser next to my bed. Also, there's a tiny couch already in there. I plop down onto it. There're two doors opposite each other leading off. I go to the first. It's a closet. I was never one for aesthetics, but I'm assured this is any beauty queen's dream. The other door leads off to a bathroom. Heaven, I've had to share a bathroom with four
boys, five counting my father. This is a dream to me. Laurance and Dante bring up the headboard, and mattress. I show them the place where it should go, and the follow accordingly. Everything's coming together. I can't wait!

After all of my stuff has been moved up, and assembled I sit in the kitchen. Dante and Laurance have left. Travis told me he's twenty, only two years older than me. I have offered to make food, but Travis insists on making something special. Something about his grandma, I don't know.

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