Chapter 1

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Zaria's POV

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked cookies. Today my mom made cookies, she never makes cookies. She is a very conservative women unlike my father who is so spontaneous and outgoing I honestly don't know how there relationship works.

"Morning Dear" mother said in her usual monotone voice, "Morning mother, baking cookies I see?" She nodded, "Hunny it's your birthday of course I'm making cookies for you" it was indeed was August 24. My thirteenth birthday is today. "Well just know you didn't have to do this" she just laughed "Your my only daughter and soon you will be going to that school, Hogwarts right?" I nodded as she continued "so I wanted to make this birthday special" I hugged her, a nice warm hug that I don't get a lot of since she is usually taking care of my youngest brother Zander who just turned one 3 months ago. I have 4 brothers, the oldest Zack who is 16, then there is me then Zero and Zepher the twins and Zander. I'm there only daughter. And the only one in my entire family that is magical. Last month I got my acceptance letter for Hogwarts and at first my brothers kept there distance thinking I was gonna curse then or something and sadly so did my parents, for weeks they didn't talk or acknowledge I was even alive. It hurt. But after a while they accepted that I was different, though they knew that for a long time they didn't bother anything of it.

"Mother where are Zack, Zepher, Zero and Zander?" She smiled, a smile that I haven't seen in a while "I sent them to Grans I thought it would be nice to have a day just you, me and your father" I hugged her once again. I'm really going to miss her and my father and siblings of course but my mother the most.

We decided that we would do some baking, I absolutely love baking, the sad part about going to Hogwarts is that there are no baking programs, but I'm still excited to go. After many hours of baking cakes, cookies, pudding and much more my father came home. "Hello sweet heart, how was your day?" "Oh father I had an amazing day with mom" he nodded. I saw he had a key behind his back, "What does that key unlock?" I asked curiously like any thirteen year old would "Come with me dear" he took me to the front lawn and handed me the key "This is what that key unlocks..." he went to the car and pulled out a cage, it had a baby owl in it, "Oh my goodness, DAD!!" I screamed "Happy birthday pumpkin" I had no words I just gave each one a hug and started getting teary eyed "What's wrong sweet cheeks?" Mom asked "I'm gonna miss you guys" she stared crying and so did dad. It was a huge water fest. "We are gonna miss you to baby but you will have fun!" I nodded.

I had no idea what to name my new owl. I thought for hours and decided on Zaurus. I went up to room and let they little white owl out of its cage. It looked around cautiously and saw me and snuggled up to my arm. He was going to be a very loyal companion.

Both Of You~ Z.D, D.M, R.WWhere stories live. Discover now