Chapter 2- File

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*sound of hot shower running*

The wonderful feelings you had when hot water make their way down to your body is totally indescribable especially after those long 8 hours. Once I had read somewhere, it said hot water do work like a mini massage on our shoulders, neck, and back. That fact is absolutely right!

I turned off the tap tightly and make sure there is no more water running. Then, I dried my hair and body using the towel I found on the shelves. Before walking out of the bathroom, I gently wrapped myself in a purple towel robe.

'Alright let's see what we got here'. I pulled out my mission file from my bag. The truth is I haven't got any chance to review them during the flight. Moreover, this time the agency sponsored me a cheap flight since they were afraid the hacker was able to detect my arrival. You do know the differences between business class and economy class. One is comfortable while another was jam-packed with people that had odor problems. Note the sarcasm please! It was totally difficult for me to read it on the flight as the mission file was classified. I can't possibly let common person see it.

I opened up the file and immediately scanning the important information. Who knows I may need them later~~~


Subject name: Ivan Lincoln

Date of birth: 15 June 1982

Blood type: AB

Height:  6 feet 3 inch (189cm)

Weight: 64 kg

Eyes colour: Blue

Current home address: 40 Grafton Way, London, WC1E 6DX

Profession: A wealthy and successful businessman


I highly doubt whether this information is correct. Since he is a hacker, he could possibly hack and changed some of the true information. A successful businessman?! Hahaha, I hardly believe it. Anyway, when you think about a hacker, the first thing comes in mind is he definitely looks like a nerd. Only a nerd person has the talent to hack into the NGI Tower system. I wonder how he looks like.

I flipped open the next page to view his images and......................................

'Hold on a second, where are his pictures?' 

How could they didn't catch any of his photos!? As I recalled back, there are many surveillance cameras all over the NGI Tower. It was impossible for anyone to sneak in without their images being captured. Once again let's not forget that he's a hacker. He could easily hack into the security system. Why the agency didn't informed me anything about it. This is getting weird. Now, how on earth am I going to find him without clues? The clues I had were his height, colour of eyes and profession. 'Oh, this isn't going to be better.' I muttered to myself.

Feeling a bit depressed, I turned over the last page when suddenly an envelope fall from the mission file.

I picked up the envelope and opened it. There was a note written clearly on a piece of card.


                       London Charity Party

                          Frederick Hall

                            29 August

                             8.00 P.M.


I knew this is exactly where I'll be going tonight~~~~~

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