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"Oh yeah I forgot to intruduce one more member to you Y/N." Akira told me. She opened her blue messenger bag to reveal a sleeping exceed. "This is Hanatomago." Her exceed was color Purple and it also had a small messenger bag. "Hello there Hanatomago." I said patting her head. Then I realized something... oh my god where did I leave e/n?!

(Exceed's name= e/n)

I hear a loud boom coming from the doors... it was e/n...sh*t "Y/N!!!!!!!" E/n was running to my direction. She was in tears. Poor cat. You hugged your exceed...then she slapped you...." What the hell was that for?!?!?!" You yelled at her. "Well that's for leaving me---" She trailed of when she saw Happy. She blushed and turned away. "You liked hiiiiiiiim." You teased. "Uh Y/N...why are you acting like Happy all of a sudden?" Natsu asked. "What? Oh...um that's just how I tease e/n." I replied while scratching the back of my head and gave him a warm smile. He just blushed and turned away. I noticed that e/n and Happy both had tomato faces. I will officially make an otp about this without e/n knowing heheh~. Out of knowhere someone tapped your shoulder. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" I screamed I was waiting for my body to hit the cold floor but it didn't...as I open my eyes I see the face of a blushing firehead baka. "T-thank you N-natsu.." I stuttered. Sh*t I hate it when I'm stuttering. "Um...Y/N are you alright?" He asks shyly. "Y-yeah." Dammit! There it goes again! As he helped me stand up straight I could see that Gray was glaring at Natsu. I just brushed it of since Akira told me that they were always like this...but I don't think so...

Akira'a POV

I was sitting beside Gray. I noticed that he was glaring at Natsu a lot than usual. "So Gray...are you jealous?" I asked with a creepy smile. "W-what no! Why in the world would I be jealous?" He replied. "I don't know...oh! I have an idea how come you glare at Natsu whenever he's near Y/N???" I told him. "Well that's because Natsu is not good for her and he is a bad influence to her and finally he's a baka." He said while crossing his arms. "Oh I know a good question to ask you!" I said. "What is it?" He asked. "Well...Do you like Y/N???" I asked with once again my creepy smile. He blushed so hard it was the same color as Erza's hair. "Well you do like her! I mean loo--" I was cut off with Gray covering my mouth with his hands. "Shhh! Your being to loud!" He whispered. "Fine I'll keep it a secret. But you have to confess to her sometime." I said. "Ok fine..." he replied.

A/N: Oi Oi Oi Baguettes! Hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm still going to work on the next chapter. Sayonara!

Natsu X Reader X Gray [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ