Chapter 10: Peeta!

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Katniss POV:

And I can't wait to kick butt to who ever did this. This is not the right thing to do.

I will kill them.

Gale POV:

We are on the train heading towards the fence. Tris still crying in Katniss arms. I guessing losing HER Four was what brought her over the edge.

"We need to jump off here or we will not make to the fence." I wonder why Will is being so calm. After what he did, I thought he would be dead. Maybe Christian is the reason why he has not lefted.

I am pretty shore that Will and Christian are going out. I like.

But still I hate him.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

Tris has no to help her get though this. No one to protect her like Four did. Katniss is like mother to her, a friend willing to lose a life for her. And only meeting her not that long ago.

Maybe that's why I like Katniss so much. She meet people for a short time, and becomes best friends with them.

I am going to save Tris! Save her from her nightmare, by saving Four. I have no idea who he is. Or why he got taken but I will do what I can. Because if he means something to her, then I will do it.

She is now my little sister like Prim.

"GALE!! YOU HAVE TO JUMP NOW!!" It's Tris. Wait why am I the only one in the train. Were is everyone? 


I jumped. Not a second to lose. I jumped just as it turns the corner.

"Are you trying to die. If you do then walk in the Dauntless base. Because you WILL get killed." Tris snapped. I'm not mad. I'm not angry. Because she need Four. She needs to let her anger out.

"Sorry. I did not mean to snap."

"It's okay if you snap." I never this nice to people unless they are Katniss and her family. But I think Tris needs everyone she can get.

Katniss POV:

I can't wait to see Peeta. Its been tooooooooo long since I have seen him. Before me and Gale went hunting, that was the last time me seeing him. I remember him telling me to be safe. And come back soon. And soon I shall be safe in the one I love arms.

All of this running has got to me. I am tried. I am sad.

Sad because I see what other place are like.

Sad because I seen the damage it can do.

Sad because of all the people out there in that place.

But I am not as bad as Tris. She looks like she need a holiday from her life.

I know everything what happened in her life. She had such a rubbish life, but Four has been the best.

She talks about him like he some sort of God. But I do the same for Peeta, so we are both as bad as each other.


Finally home!

I start running. Running to find Finnick because I know that he is looking after Prim for me.

Running to get to Prim.

Running to find Peeta.

Running to find my home.

As I got closer and closer to my home, I could scene something was not right.

I take off leavening everyone behind me. But in not time at all Tris managed to catch up to. How?

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