The Reaction Part 2

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"O-oh" Korosensei stuttered, looking up from the email. "Nagisa's my son?"

"yes," Karasuma repied, then he paused, he looked at Korosensei and replied," I thought in this situation it would be best to let you decide what to do next." "Do you want to tell Nagisa, and if so how do you want to tell him?"

"Yes," Korosensei spoke," He deserves to know." He paused again. "Give me the weekend to think about it and I'll tell him on Monday."

"Okay, take as much time as you need to think this through."


Monday came quicker than Korosensei expected.

Okay, I've spent the whole weekend thinking about this, I just need to tell him.

Korosensei spots Nagisa walking with Karma and Kayano.

Maybe I should wait until the end of the day to tell him.

The day went on as normal, except for Korosensei less than normal behavior. Lets just say the students were a little more the suspicious at his behavior. They questioned him on why he was acting so weird, but he denied it. Eventually the students gave up and dropped the subject.

The end of the day came far to soon for Korosensei.


Korosensei looked at the clock.

Its time.

As the last bell of the day rang, and E-class started to leave, Korosensei called out to Nagisa.

"Nagisa, stay for a few minutes please."

Nagisa, who was talking to Karma while walking to the door, stopped.

"Go ahead with out me," Nagisa said quietly to Karma.

"I'll meet you outside," Karma responded to Nagisa.

Nagisa walked toward Korosensei.

"What do you want to talk to me about sir?" Nagisa questioned.

"Nagisa, I have something very important to talk to you about, but I'm not sure how you'll react."

"Please, just tell me."

"Okay," Korosansei paused to take a deep breath, "the government has found out something about you. Your father is not your real father."

Nagisa's eye's grew wide with shock.

"Y-you mean I'm adopted?"

"No," Korosensei took a second to collect his thoughts," Your mother had an affair before you were born, you are your mothers child, but you have a different father."

Nagisa stared at Korosensei. He was frozen, then he sat down quietly and started shaking. The room was silent for a few minutes while Nagisa processed this information. 

Finally, Nagisa spoke.

"Do they know who my real father is?"

"Yes," Korosensei replied. Nagisa paused again.

"Who is it?"

Korosensei took another minute and simply looked at Nagisa. Finally, Korosensei replied.


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