How it all Started

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Thank you to everyone who has read my story. Sorry this chapter took so long to come out.

Disclaimer: I do not own assassination classroom


It was a cool , October night. The wind was blowing and the air had a bitter feel to it. This story starts at a bar, with woman, drunk and sulking in her sorrows,  and man, drunk with a look certain look in his eyes, the look of regret, drinking away their problems. The women had short, dark blue hair. The man was tall, and had radiant black hair. His smile was kind, making him come off as totally innocent.

The woman's problem; she had just gotten into a fight with her new husband and she was their contemplating their fight.

The man's problem; he had just finished a particularly messy assassination job and so he sat there, trying to forget everything that had transpired.

"Penny for your thoughts," the man said turning to look at the woman next to him, trying to make conversation.

"It's nothing, just my stupid husband," the woman paused and turned to the man,"what about you."

"Just a hard day on the job," the man lied through his teeth. He couldn't very we'll tell this woman the real reason why he was upset, then he'd have to kill her.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine, everyone has a bad day once in a while."

Silence swapped the bar after that, the only sounds to be heard were the music playing in the background and the murmurs of the others in the bar.

"Can I for you name?" The man asked.

"Hiromi Shiota," The woman replied, "and yours?"

"Hajime Gima," The man said the first name that came to mind, he could never put this poor lady in danger by giving her his real name, even if he was drunk, he's not that stupid.

"Well Hajime, its very nice to meet you."

"Same to you miss"

Everything spiraled after that.

The man ended up bring the woman back to the hotel he was staying at, lets just leave the rest up to your imagination.   


Still Flashback, but one month later

Hiromi stood up and flushed the toilet. She had been feeling very sick  lately. Throwing up, but strangely only in the mornings. Hiromi knew what this met, but she was to scared to face the truth. She had been putting this off for a while, but she finally decided that it was time.

"Sweetheart!" Hiromi called, " Can you take me to the hospital?" 

Hiromi and her husband had made up from their fight the day after her one night stand, in case you were wondering.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, Hiromi was dreading the outcome.

After getting checked in and waiting in the waiting room for a few hours, a doctor finally came to get her. The doctor led her and her husband to a room.

"So what seems to be the problem miss?"

"I think I'm pregnant." There was no use in beating around the bush.

"Ah," Was all the doctor replied, he scribbled something down onto his clipboard.

After a few minutes, the doctor stood up, "Please, come with me ma'am. "

Hiromi followed the man to a secluded room. There the man did some test to determine if Hiromi was in fact pregnant or not.

"Well that's the last of the tests, please, go wait with your husband until, we know the results."

The woman nodded her head and headed back to her husband. 

After a few minutes of waiting, which felt like torcher, the doctor finally came back in.

"Well miss, Congratulations, you are indeed pregnant, one month along it seems."

Hiromi felt like breaking down after that. Even if her husband wasn't smart enough to put it together, she was. She knew, her one night stand was going to be the true father of her child.  A stranger would be the father of her child. 

She couldn't cry now though, no, the tears would come later. Right now she had to be cheerful, act as though nothing was wrong, act as though her husband was the father of her unborn child.  

In that moment she decided, no one would ever find out about this. The world would just continue to think her husband was the father, not some stranger. She would not have her life and her reputation ruined because of this, because of her one mistake. She would make sure no one would ever find out.

"Honey this is great!" Her husband said while smiling at her.

Hiromi took a deep breath and relaxed for a second, then she planned a big smile on her face. A smile that would fool anyone, masking her emotions completely.

"I'm so happy, were going to be parents."


Eight Months Later

"Congratulations Mrs. Shiota, you've given birth to a beautiful baby boy."


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