chapter 14

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As i get myself into my car the butterflies are still fluttering and are yet to cease, i always hate first days whether it be work or a new school, college, uni etc. Especially uni this year as i don't know anybody that has joined the university.I am one of those shy girls when you first meet me and i never strike up a conversation first. Hard to believe when you have seen what i am like with Jake and Maxine, Maxine i have known for years which explains why i'm not shy with her and my nerves went out the window when i locked eyes with Jake, well when he striked up a conversation. There was something about Jake that seemed to calm my nerves and now i can't imagine what i would have done with my time if i hadn't met Jake, strange when you think about it. After you meet me though, well it's hard to shut me up.

While i have been preoccupied with my thoughts it turns out i have arrived at my uni and suddenly the panic kicks in and my butterflies increase ten fold to the point i could swear these butterflies have somehow turned into huge bats. While i look around trying to somehow ease the panic before it turns into a full blown attack, my eyes drift to a very familiar looking car in the car park. It looks like Jakes car but why would he be here? Then again there are plenty of these cars about and i never memorized his number plate, why would i need to? The only plate i know is mine. No it won't be Jakes car, plus he left to get ready for work which starts at 9 so he'll be at work soon as its 8.30 now.

I grab my bag and step out of my car putting my bag on my shoulder, shutting and locking my car door i take a deep breath and turn and walk towards the front doors of the university, trying to keep my head and eyes facing forwards to try and show some of the confidence i lack. My head stayed down the majority of unless i needed to look up to see where i was going.

After what seems like forever i finally reach the huge wooden doors and pull the right side open, god these doors are heavy!

I can see a sign that says the office is just off to the left and so i walk towards the office and pull open the door. As soon as i walk in i see a petite girl with wavy blonde hair and it seems like she is as shy as me as she is trying but failing to keep her head up to as she waits for the receptionist. I walk up beside her and stand a little bit away so there is a gap between us to give us both some space. I don't think she'll be the one to talk first either so this will be a quiet wait.

"First day?" i hear a timid voice ask. i look to where the voice came from and am completely surprised that it was the girl next to me, standing there nervously waiting for a reply.

"Er yeah, is it that obvious?" I ask just as nervously.

She laughs and says "The only thing that gave it away was the fact you look about as nervous as me."

"I am so nervous it's ridiculous" i reply in a breathy laugh.

"Lizzie." She says holding her hand out.

"Jade" i reply taking her hand in my and shaking it.

"Well Jade, what classes are you taking? Hopefully we'll have some together?"

"History, Greek mythology, Art and Science, you?"

"Art, Maths, sciences and forensic science. hopefully we'll be in a couple of classes together as it would be nice to see a friendly face."

"Well, we're about to find out i say." nodding towards the receptionist finally making her way over.

"Hello Ladies, Come to pick up your timetable?"

we both nod and step up after giving our names

"Well, we have Art and Maths together and Chemistry by the looks of things and look, art is before lunch" I say smiling at Lizzie.

"Thank God, are you planning on staying at school for lunch or leaving the uni and eating somewhere else?"

"I haven't decided but am happy with either if you want to eat lunch together?"

"I'd like that although if we leave i don't have a car, my mum drove me in."

"Well i have my car so don't worry about that."

"I'll see you in Art, i'm going to try and find my History class" i say with a grimace, Lizzie laughs at my face then does the same as she realises she has to leave to find her first class too.

"See you in Art, Good luck Jade."

"Good luck to you too Liz."

As we turn and head out in different directions to our first classes, or where we think they are, i smile to myself at the fact i have just had a conversation with someone new already and the fact i have hopefully made a new friend.

II finally find my History class and step in, thankfully slightly early, so i meet the history tutor and make my way to the back of the class, put my bag down and take my pencil case and notepad out of my bag and put them on my desk while we wait for everyone else to come in. As people pile in i get a few shy smiles which is nice and i smile back. I can't believe it completely slipped my mind that everyone will be just as nervous as me. Silly woman!

Once everyone is seated and all their things are on their desks the tutor introduces himself as Mr Carson, although we have to call him Will. It was an easy lesson, just an introduction on what we would be covering for this term. I made a few notes throughout the hour and got involved in the getting to know each other towards the end of the lesson which surprised even me. I walked out with a smile on my face and a new positive outlook on today. My spirits have definitely lifted.

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