More Than This

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I heard Miss Haleray call for the 14-16 year old girls. So, since I'm fifteen, I get ready and grab my baby sister, Dessy, from her crib. I bet you're all thinking, 'why is she brining the baby?' Well the thing is I will never leave Dessy all alone if I have the choice. "Dakotah!? Are you coming?" Miss Haleray asks. I quickly walk down the stairs with Dessy in my arms. We are told to stand in a line. So I'm just standing here in the line with Dessy until I hear screaming. Well that's surely different! I look up and see none other than one direction standing in the doorway! I keep myself from screaming so I don't scary Dessy. I don't wanna have to leave the room because of my own bad choices. The boys head over in my direction. "Hello! I'm Liam! What's your name and who is this little lady?" Liam Payne asks. "I'm Dakotah and this is my baby sister Dessy" I reply. "Well nice to meet you Dakotah! Not to sound rude but we kind if asked for only 14-16 year olds and I was just wondering why you have your baby sister?" Harry asked. "Because if anyone wants to adopt me they have to adopt Dessy too. She's all I have." I replied with a straight face. "Oh, well, that's lovely!" Niall replied. "Well we'll be seeing ya later!" Louis screeched, which caused Dessy to start crying and screaming. "Maybe not. I've gotta attend to Dessy plus it's her nap time. Bye guys." I said casually and walked away. With that I walked up to my room, after grabbing Dessy a bottle, and put Dessy down for a nap. About ten minutes later I heard a very light tap on the door. "Yes?" I asked as I opened the door. "Hi Dakotah." Niall said. "Well hello there." The boys then took that opportunity to come into our room. "So we were wondering if you minded if we adopted you and Dessy." Zayn said. "Actually I would love that! We've only been here for two months but I want more than this for Dessy." I replied. "Well okay! I'll go fill out the papers and the boys will help you get ready!" Louis said. "Okay guys you need to remain calm-" I was cut off by Harry screaming "She's a directioner guys!" Which then caused a very tired and now a probably angry Dessy to wake up and start screaming. "Make it stop!" Niall screamed running round the room. I picked her up and quietly hummed her a song while the boys tried to calm Niall down. Obviously they're not used to babies. Dessy soon calmed down and was looking around the room happily. The boys were putting our things into our bags. "Can I hold her?' Niall asked. I nodded and handed him Dessy. "Am I gonna break her?! He asked slightly nervous. "No Niall you won't break her. Trust me." I replied. Just then Louis came upstairs and said "let us depart my dear peasants. Our journey must continue or we shall be in trouble with Sir Paul Higgins." We all laughed at Louis's outburst and I grabbed Dessy from Niall and put her in her carseat. I smiled to myself and thought 'maybe we will have more than this.'

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