Wide awake

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I was wonderfully awoken (Note the sarcasm) by the boys running into my room screaming. "We took Dessy out of her crib to play but now she won't stop screaming!" Niall shouted. "We even started to sing to her, but it didn't work!" Loubear screeched. Oh these boys. Sometimes. "Do we need to feed her or give her more medicine?" LiLi asked. Awwww! Daddy direction moment! "First off, good morning to you too! Second, where is Harry and zayn? Third, I'll handle Dessy don't worry. And finally, I'M WIDE AWAKE!" I scream. "Zayn and Harry have been over powered by Dessy. She's pretty intense ya know." Niall said. lol these guys are smart. Overpowered by a baby. "I shall save the peasants named Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. What did Dessy even do to them?" I asked slightly amused. "She's pulling their hair." Louis said with a huge smile. Laugh out loud. I then kindly told the boys to 'get their hind ends out of my room before I ninja kick you all.' I'm so nice, right? Then I walked down the stairs to help Zayn and Styles. I walked into the living room and almost fell to the floor laughing. There in the living room I saw Dessy with a fistful of each of their hair. Zayn looked horrified that a baby messed up his hair and Harry looked like he was in slight pain. 'Cause let me tell you she has a tight grip. I just kinda stood there with a smirk on my face. Then Niall sprinted down the stairs making a b-line to the kitchen screaming about food or something.

After laughing at the boys for about ten minutes I helped them. "Dessy's pretty intense, you know that right?" Harry asked. I just nodded and walked to pick up Dessy and get her ready for the day. After I got Dessy ready I had to go check on the boys. Zayn was in the bathroom, Harry was walking around looking for his phone, Niall, well Niall was in the kitchen, Louis was hiding Harry's phone, and Liam was playing MW3. Since they were doing fine, I decided to get ready for the day. When I was ready, I started to make food for everyone. I heard Dessy crying and I started walking to her. Once I reached the living room I saw that Harry had Dessy and was holding her causing her to stop crying. Dessy isn't very fond of new people so I was very surprised to see her letting Harry hold her. I went back to the kitchen and continued cooking. Twenty minutes later I called the boys down to eat. I then gave Dessy her bottle an put her in her high chair. Niall probably ate the most but Lou was a close second. Harry told me that they had to do a photoshoot today and that Simon Cowell wanted me and Dessy to be there. I had the boys go and get ready while I cleaned up. When I was done cleaning there was a knock on the door. Harry ran down the stairs to open then door. As the door opened I saw it was Paul. "Paulio waz up ma man!" I screamed. Paul just laughed at me. How dare he! Lol! Anyways! I quickly ran to the living room and got Dessy's car seat. After I got Dessy in her car seat I yelled up to the boys. the next thing I know A LITERAL STAMPEDE OF FOUR BOYS ( cause Harry was already down here ) CAME DOWN THE STAIRS AND THEY ALMOST TRAMPLED ME!!!! Then the boys, Paul, Dessy an I got in the car. Off to the photoshoot.

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