Pearls POV

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I was terrified to hear what Garnet said. So many emotions. "We have to look for him!" I said, sounding impatient and honestly insane. I was about to cry. How could I let him leave without me knowing? I ran out of the temple and into the house. I saw Amethyst lying on the counter. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her rapidly. "WAKE UP!!!" I basically screamed into her ear. Amethyst woke up. She pushed me away as she landed on the counter. "What? What? Who's attacking?!" "No one! Steven is missing!" I said. Amethyst look flabbergasted and destroyed. We ran out of the house and ran twords the beach. Garnet pointed out the sun. We had made the conclusion that a gem is attacking and may have abducted Steven. We ran back into the house and got onto the warp pad and warped to about fifty different places. No show. Not even a clue. That was until we had gone to the kindergarten. Well, I bet you're wondering why it was terrifying. There was a big donut bag on the ground.

We had all gasped. I felt like fainting. I was terrified to see that something took him here. Something bad. We had ran to the bag, where we found some crumbs, but they ended on a smooth piece of land. This was unusual for the kindergarten. Garnet dug out a piece of dirt to see something purple. She dug out more to see it made a large purple square. The three of us stepped on the square as it started going down to what seemed to be a very deep bottom floor we all summoned our weapons. Garnets gauntlets, my spear, and Amethysts whip. We reached the bottom floor and saw a purple gem (Picture on top of page) on a screen, talking to Steven. She looked up at us and noticed the gem on my head. "GEMS! HIDE STEVEN HIDE!" She said in a panic. "They're my friends, they're fine. They won't hurt you!" Steven said. "STEVEN GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW!" I yelled. "No! She's my friend! Right, Kunzite?" Kunzite. That was her name. Kunzite gave a wicked smile. Two big, motion controlled hands came and picked up Steven. "PUT HIM DOWN!" Both me and Garnet shouted. "No! If you want him so much, then you can just come and get him! My ship will be here this evening." She gave a wicked smile as Steven was taken away. Her screen went blank. "NOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I began to cry. Amethyst was crying too. "She'll pay!" Garnet was confused and saddened. I couldn't protect Rose. None of us could. We will fight them. We will beat them. We will win Kunzite and what ever force is helping her. This will end. I wiped my tears as we went back up to the surface. We went back home and began to prepare. We trained a ton and honed our abilities. If I can't protect Rose, then my life is over... And I won't let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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