Matt's tummy ache (ft an enema)

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Kat's POV

"What's up Matt?" I asked Matthew Daddario who's sitting in a chair looking miserable. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he replied. "Do they need me for anything?"

"In like 10 minutes we have to film a scene."

"Okay I'll be there in 5. I'm just gonna go use the bathroom first." Matt pulled himself out of his chair and walked off to the bathroom. He came back about 15 minutes later still looking miserable and he's holding his stomach while he walks.

"Are you sure you're okay Matt?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine" he lied. "Let's shoot this scene then I want to go take a nap." I sighed but we did our scene. Well we tried to.... The director kept yelling at Matt because he looked too sad and miserable. He's supposed to look a little sad and miserable because that's what Alec is (at least in what we're up to now) but not too much.

"Matthew I know you can do better than that-" the director yelled. I looked at Matt who looks like he's about to start crying.

"Stop" I told the director. He stopped and I went over to Matt. "Matt what's wrong? You know how to act like Alec and you would never cry if someone yelled at you for your acting. What's going on?"

"My tummy hurts and I got really stressed out" Matt whispered.

"You just went to the bathroom but do you maybe have to go again? Try doing something else in there?" Matt shook his head blushing. "Well how about you take some medicine and have a nap?"

"But the scene-"

"We can do it when you're better. There's no rush."

"Okay" Matt sighed.

"Go lay down in your trailer I'll bring your medicine in a few minutes." Matt nodded and went to his trailer still clutching his stomach. I sighed and went to find medicine for Matthew. I eventually found it and brought it to him.

"Thanks Kat" he whispered swallowing his medicine.

"You're welcome. Take a nap Matthew."

"Okay" he whispered curling into a ball on his side and falling asleep. About two hours later Matthew came out looking a lot better. "Harry catch!" And he leaped into Harry's arms. Harry caught him though but placed him down in a chair.

"You shouldn't be jumping around with an upset stomach" Harry scolded.

"I feel better though."

Matt's POV

"I feel better though" I pouted at Harry as he scolded me.

"Okay. We're still gonna clean you out though" Harry told me.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on. Let's go back to your hotel room." I sighed but let Harry and Dominic take me to my room. "Go set it up Dom." Dom went into my bathroom to do who knows what.

"Harry what's going on?" I asked, confused.

"How's your stomach?"

"Fine" I lied.


"'s not fine.... It still hurts. I tried to go to the bathroom earlier to see if that would help but...I couldn't."

"I know" Harry sighed sympathetically. "Dom and I are going to help out with that though."

"How?" I asked.

"We're gonna give you an enema." I blushed nervously.

"Do I have to?"


"Will it help my stomach feel better?"


"Fine then."

"Good kid." Harry kissed the top of my head then brought me to my bedroom. He placed a towel down and had me take my pants and boxers off. I laid on the towel on my stomach as Dominic brought everything out. "I'm going to take your temperature first okay?" I nodded and flipped onto my back opening my mouth. "Not like that.... It has to be done rectally." I blushed as Harry just grabbed my ankles and lifted them putting a thermometer in my butt. "100.5.... A bit high but you should be fine." Harry gently lowered my legs and I turned back into my stomach as Harry sat next to my head and Dominic finished setting up behind me.

"This is going to be very uncomfortable but we'll help you get through this" Dom told me. I sighed sadly and reached for Harry's hand. He put his hand out and I held it tightly as Dominic put lube on the tube for the enema. "I'm going to stretch you out with my fingers too. Are you okay with that Matt?"

"I guess" I blushed. Dominic put lube on his fingers and gently pushed one in my butt hole which was really uncomfortable. He added a second one and moved them around to stretch me open.

"Okay that's done. Sorry I know that was uncomfortable and awkward."

"Yeah it was" I blushed.

"Hold Harry's hand you won't like this next part." I squeezed Harry's hand tightly as Dominic put the nozzle in next for the enema. "Okay it just has to go in now then you have to hold it for 10-15 minutes then we'll take you to the bathroom to use the toilet and let it all out." Dom did something I couldn't see and I felt the soapy water in me all uncomfortable.

"I don't like it" I whined looking at Harry sadly.

"I know. It should only be half an hour or so until you can let it out" he told me petting my hair. I whined and buried my face into his leg. 10 minutes later I was very uncomfortable and cramping and was about to burst into tears but Dominic said I still had another minute or two until it was empty then I still had to hold it for a while. Another 3 minutes went by and Dom took the tube out and told me I had to hold everything in.

"I...I can't" I cried.

"Do you wanna try to hold it by yourself or do you need help?" Dom asked.

"I can't" I repeated. "This is terrible!" Dom retrieved something from a plastic bag and came over to me putting one hand on my back and the other on my right butt cheek.

"Are you ready?"

"F-for what?" I cried.

"A butt plug Matt. You have to keep everything in. So it's either you do that alone or this will help." I groaned and squeezed Harry's hand again.

"Do it" I said. Dominic gently eased the butt plug into my butt and I squeezed my eyes shut. I cried for 12 minutes straight complaining about pain and discomfort until Dom and Harry carefully picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Hold it for just a minute while I take this out then you can sit on the toilet and let it out." I squeezed my eyes shut and Dominic carefully took the plug out and helped me sit on the toilet. "You're gonna have a bath after this then take a nap then we'll go back to set."

2 and a half hours later I was all cleaned out and my stomach was all better and I was clean after a bath. I had a nap cuddled in between Harry and Dominic. After my nap Harry put me in new underwear and my clothes for the show and we all went back to set.

"There he is!" Kat smiled when she saw me. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah I'm good now" I smiled. "So are we shooting that scene we were supposed to do today?"

"Do you think you can?" I nodded. "Then yes. Let's go." I smiled at Harry and Dominic before following Kat to get ready for our scene.

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