Chapter 8

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***Megan's P.O.V.***

''And one time, when Megan was seven she slept walk around the house the whole night. The house was a mess when we woke up and Megan was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal while she was still sleep walking,'' my mother laughed as she relayed the events of my childhood to Liam who was practically in stitches. I rolled my eyes even though I knew she could be telling him much worse than that. ''Jeremy and I tried everything to try and get her to wake up but she wouldn't.''

''Then Carmen sprayed me with the spray bottle,'' I called from the kitchen where I was preparing the dinner, ''and that got me to wake up.''

Through the cut out window counter that viewed the living room from my place at the stove I could see my father stumble out from my parents room. He leaned on my mothers favorite chair which she was currently sitting on and she smiled up at him though he was studying Liam with a questioning look. My heart sped up when I saw him, I was afraid of what he would think of Liam. My father wasn't much for rich people and the fact that Liam was a guy wasn't helping him gain any points. Dad was very picky when it came to guys due to my history with boyfriends. Hopefully the thing that tipped the scales in Liam's favor were that I wasn't dating him. ''I heard my name,'' my father stated as if he had to explain why he had emerged from his bedroom, ''who's this?''

Liam stood from his spot on the couch causing Olivia to have to shift from where she was since she had been practically glued to his side up until now. My father looked surprised but pleased by Liam's manners as they shook hands like Liam had done with my mother. ''I'm Liam Payne, Mr. Garrott. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir,'' Liam introduced himself and my father looked even more taken aback.

He recovered after a moment of hesitation, walking towards the kitchen after ruffling Olivia's hair. ''Please, no need for formalities, call me Jeremy,'' my father replied before stepping into the kitchen. My jaw practically hit the floor at that. Never in my entire life have I heard my father give one of my friends permission to call him by his first name. Not even Claire, and we hung out all the time. My father tapped my chin, his signal for me to shut my mouth because I was still gaping. ''Good morning, Megan,'' he smiled as he hugged me quickly.

''It's 8:30, dad,'' I informed him and he chuckled, ''just because you just woke up doesn't mean it's morning for everyone.''

He shrugged and looked at the pot I was stirring, ''whatcha makin'?''

I laughed, ''mom! You married a ten-year-old.''

''I know!'' she called back.

My father pouted at me and I rolled my eyes, sighing, ''it's chicken noodle soup.''

His smile grew and he ruffled my hair before going back into the living room as he called back, ''you guys spoil me too much.'' He sat on the couch next to Liam and Olivia, pulling her onto his lap like he always did as he hugged her. ''How's Little Live doing today?'' he asked, using his nickname for her.

''Great, daddy, are you feeling better?'' she prompted.

I leaned up against the door frame and looked at the scene since the soup didn't need to be stirred every single second. ''A little,'' my father replied with a smile, ''so Liam, are you staying the night?''

I couldn't believe it! Was my father so sick that he was forgetting to be overprotective? He would've never allowed this with anyone else. He never and I mean never allowed my ex boyfriend Kyle stay over when we were dating or even before that when we were just friends. Liam looked over at me and I shrugged, he shrugged also which reminded me of my sleepover with the boys. ''If you don't mind then I guess I will,'' Liam answered. My father gave a nod of approval and then I announced that dinner was ready and they all came to the table. My father led the prayer and once he was done we began to eat.

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